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The sound of an arrow hitting a tree rang through the crisp Auradonian forest air. The forest - an offshoot of the Enchanted Forest - stood still aside from the occasional stiff breeze that fell through it or some slight rustling amongst the trees from the creatures there. In this case, the peaceful morning was interrupted by an impromptu archery challenge between father and daughter. 

Robin Hood of Sherwood Forest, a tall, older gentlemen with strawberry blonde hair that was tied back into a rat tail who wore green clothes that could be described as 'woodland' clothes, stood beside his daughter. A young girl of only sixteen, pale skin and bright red hair tied in a lazy side braid, wearing a green flannel top, brown corduroy pants and deep brown boots, Ruby Hood aimed her bow at the target placed against the tree. 

With a snap of the bow as the arrow flung into the distance, the bow that sat in the middle of the target was bisected in two by the other bow. Robin smiled, patting his daughter on the back in a sign of congratulations. Ruby gave him a proud smirk, before her expression shifted. She sighed, turning to face her father. His brows knitted together.

"Ruby, are you worried about something?"

Ruby picked up the quiver from the ground and began to collect the arrows that were still in one piece. "It's that... Proclamation thingy." She said, in between picking the arrows up. "Like, I'm not worried about that exactly." She looked up at her father, who raised a brow. "Look, I mean... Chad's an ass-"

"Ruby!" Called Maid Marian, Ruby's mother, from the inside of the house. Ruby cleared her throat.

"Jerk, I meant to say jerk, but his mom is lovely!" Ruby frowned, "I guess I'm just worried that these Isle Kids are gonna be-"

"Bad eggs?" Robin asked with a chuckle, "Oh, Ruby... You've got to remember who your old man was." He ruffled her hair, "I was a bad egg once. Still am."

"Yeah, but... The people you stole from deserved it, right?"

"Not according to them, they did." Robin turned to face his daughter, "See, morality is a funny thing. Sometimes you get bad people who think they're good, good people who think they're bad, people who are in between. People see what they want to see." He smiled, "Maybe these kids are good eggs all along."

Ruby sighed. She hoped so. She'd known Ben from when they were toddlers, and she was pretty sure he could make good decisions. To be fair; none of these villain kids were involved in their parents stories. She was pretty sure her Great Uncle John died on the Isle before he could bear children, but she also was pretty sure that Ben had no hard feelings towards whoever the child of Gaston was. She sighed. Maybe he was right about the kids actually being good people.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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