> [ My OC ] <

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Name :
Rita Willows

Age :

Gender :

Species :

Sexuality :

Crush :
Mike Schmidt
(Backups - Scott / Vincent / Your OC)

Likes :
Being a heavily impish (mischievous) girl, Rita of course loves things such as pranks, teasing, and joking about. She is the type of girl that will be quite bold when it comes to teasing someone to the point of a red face. Being that of a mechanic, Rita also heavily enjoys tinkering with electronics/mechanical things. However, through her spare time, she loves to draw and also quite heavily enjoys video games and photography!

Dislikes :
Rita hates loud and irritating noises due to having rather sensitive ears. She also dislikes being flustered or embarrassed / left without words, however this is mainly in the case of hating it in a joking manner, as in she'll say she doesn't like it when in reality she actually perhaps does in some cases. Anyway, Rita is not a huge fan of light and fluffy movies, usually preferring a nice horror or action movie!

Hobbies :
Rita's largest hobby would be that of anything mechanical due to her parents both working in this field. However, outside of this, she has a rather large art hobby in both drawing and photography, along with a gaming hobby, though she is the type to get rather competitive rather quickly!

Personality :
Rita is an extremely playful girl in nature, loving that of a teasing joke or a, usually, harmless prank or pun! However, due to her teasing nature she can be quite a flirt at times, however it can be difficult to tell the difference between if she is actually flirting with someone, or just being a playful tease. Despite this making her sound like a sl*t, she is nothing of the sorts! As she really only flirts with those who she is attracted to which is rare for the girl. But behind this, Rita is a sweet and perhaps slightly overprotective girl, the type to easily get injured due to her reckless behaviour. Yes, as you can probably tell by now, she is quite a tomboy in nature, along with a huge daddy's girl as her father taught her the most throughout her life!

Phobias :
Due to a prank performed by old school friends when she was just about to move into high school, Rita developed heavy claustrophobia after being locked in a locker (as she was quite small at this time) with one of her friends pretending that she had lost the key before then quickly realising that the key was in fact actually lost. Rita had to spend a few, long hours within that locker!

Illnesses :
Due to the reasoning behind her claustrophobia, Rita has a bit of PTSD when it comes to small and tight spaces, too tight of spaces causing her to usually hyperventilate, sometimes even passing out from this. She doesn't even like to be in an extremely packed area due to this PTSD!

Relationships :
Rita has extremely close relationships with both of her parents, having been an only child, this being the reasoning. Her parents are both mechanics, even though her father is much more well known within this field rather than her mother due to her being a bit more of a newbie. This meaning that, growing up with two parents that were mechanics, led to Rita picking up on the exact same hobby, never hesitating to get her hands greasy. Rita also has two extremely close friends. Once is a girl by the name of Rhianna Lenoy, a sweet and shy girl that Rita has been friends with since her early high school years! The other being a popular jock known as Jackson Lenoy, the older brother to Rhianna, Jackson is a bit older than the two girls, both being the same age, and Rita has met him through Rhianna after visiting her home a few times for a few sleepovers. This friendship they created carried on to their adult years!

Pet/s :
Rita's only pet is a 4 year old, male Bernese Mountain dog by the name of 'Tigger'. Tigger is a rather lazy and clingy dog, however, this clingyness causes the large dog to be rather protective when it comes to Rita, but nonetheless a sweetheart at heart!

 Tigger is a rather lazy and clingy dog, however, this clingyness causes the large dog to be rather protective when it comes to Rita, but nonetheless a sweetheart at heart!

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Appearance :

Backstory : (Nothing too big or important! Just a lil bit too lazy to fill it out right now-)

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Backstory :
(Nothing too big or important! Just a lil bit too lazy to fill it out right now-)

Other :
Rita only recently got her own house! It's rather small and is squished up with a few other homes that look the exact same! Her parents paid the beforehand prices, they were quite small anyway, and now Rita pays for the home fortnightly! In her free time away from the Pizzaria, she makes money from various mechanic jobs that she helps her parents out with!


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