Germany~ picked a good frau

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I any do accents very well so I am very sorry. Also any spelling mistakes let me know so I can change them for you. thanks --------------------------------------

Today was the day you went to meet your boyfriends brother. Ludwig had warned you that his brother was a very obnoxious idiot. However, you didn't want to take his word before you met the man in question. Reaching the door to there grand mansion a very noticeable laugh echoed behind of the object in front of you. '
Jesus that was weird' you thought to yourself waiting patiently.
"Kesesese~ bruder your Frau is at ze door. Maybe ze awesome me should go get her and keep her as mine" a voice laughed as footsteps edged closer to the door. As they came closer towards the door it sounded as of yet where running. Oh no.....

The door burst open and out flew two figure tackling you to the floor. You closed your eyes as your back impacted onto the floor.
"(Your name)!?!" A lower voice came. You opened your eyes to see crystal blue ones gazing I to your orbs. Tears threatening to spill out of your (eye colour) orbs.
The pain stung at your back, it wouldn't go away.
"Gilbert get off of me. Mine lebby is hurt!!!" Ludwig snapped pushing him off. You where lifted up off of the floor and carried into the living room where your (body size) was placed down softly onto a velvet couch.
"I'm okay, really luddy I am" you smiled weakly stroking his cheek
"Today vas meant to be special but mine bruder vent and messed it up" he sighed looking down.
"Hallo (your name), I'm very sorry for hurting you" a voice sighed behind your boyfriend. You looked up to see a white haired man with blood red eyes staring down at you.
'An albino. OMG I have alway wanted to see one. And my boyfriend has one for a brother. Awesome!' You mentally screamed.
"N-no it's fine honest. Nice to meet you Gilbert" you waved sitting up gently.
"I zink mine bruder has chosen ze best Frau ever!" Gilbert cheered
"But not as awesome as ze awesome me!" He laughed running off while your German boyfriend threw combat boots at his head.

What was your life gonna be like now!?!

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