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We had all just walked out into the warm sun. I felt Hisoka's lust smothering me. It had be four days being smothered in his lust. 

"Mis.Quin please leave immediately to the cabin. It is 100 miles north west of Trick Tower, you have 2 hours to make it there." Everyone looked at me menacingly. I took off through the trees. I didn't even get to say bye to Bri or Illumi.


I made it into a large log cabin. 

"She's here!" I heard someone shout nervously.I could see candles and people running around. Although the cabin looked small it was massive inside. 

"Ma'm follow me!" someone grabbed my hand. Everyone look like they were panicking.

"Ma'm we have terrible news. Kokohanakenake Island is on fire and under attack. We can not go in there because our most skilled hunters can not be contacted during the exam. We need you to go in there and try to help slow things down. In about two weeks we will send in the applicants who passed the exam plus other hunters. Take this scythe, it can turn into any weapon of your choosing, the reason for this is for you to save your nen and protect the wild life and villagers. Here is your Hunters license. Your plane and people are waiting for you. Good luck."

 I tried to process the information but was snapped back to reality when I was pushed on board a solo flying fighter plane.  The plane was tight but would provide shelter and food. As I sat down I felt something poke my elbow. It was Hisoka's playing card...

it read: 

See you soon~

See you soon? What on earth does that mean? 

The plane soared through the air.

A/N Hiiiiiii guys. I will upload the next chapter in about an hour. take in mind there will probably be 3-6 more chapters after this till the story is over. I really need suggestions! Also thank you so much! I have 103 people who have read (red) this! Love you!

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