Under the Peach Tree

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Before I continue the story, I'll give you some descriptions of the characters that have appeared so far.

Prince Claude Astley: hair reaches bottom of his ears, wavy brown hair, green eyes, 5'10, muscular, deep voice, broad shoulders, age 23

Prince's servant, Samuel: short hair, straight dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, 5'7, looks smaller compared to Claude, age 21

Now back to how they met :)


Outside the fence of the royal herbal garden.

Samuel's P.O.V.

"If you're the prince, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the castle?" I asked.

"I am, but it's so boring in there. All I do is read, write, and learn about the history of Astorewen. Who would want to stay in there?" he replied.

I would want to. Because most commoners did not have enough money to allow their children to go to school, I had no idea how to read or write at my age. Eight was a such a small number, which made me seem even more insignificant compared to the royalty standing in front of me.

He looked like a regular child at the time, a normal child covered in dirt. And he looked around the same age as me.

"Since I answered your questions, it's my turn to ask you something," declared the young prince.

I was so nervous to the point my hands started shaking. 'Will he report me to the castle guards?' I wondered.

"Do you want to be friends?" he said.

"What?" I was surprised. I never thought about being friends with someone from royalty.

"Well do you? Or do you not want to? ...Is it because I'm the crown prince?"

He started fiddling with his fingers. It was cute and not royalty-like, which was strangely relieving.

At the time, I couldn't comprehend why he wanted to be friends with me, but I accepted regardless.

"Yeah, let's be friends," I said with a big smile. I haven't had a friend near my age in a while.

The young prince jumped up and down in excitement.

"You're my first friend! Is it okay if we can be best friends?" Claude asked.

The thought of being best friends never crossed my mind. I was young, so I didn't really think about the troubles it would get me into. It made me happy enough to have a new friend.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Pinky promise?" he asked innocently as he stuck out his pinky.

"Pinky promise."

Our pinkies linked, and we've stuck with one another since that day.

End of Samuel reminiscing 

"Okay, I need to deliver these herbs to the medical ward. I've been gone for too long." So, I get up and start making my way back into the castle. I should also see how Claude is doing.

Claude's P.O.V.

Throne room. Five minutes after Samuel got herbs.

I've been sitting here for half an hour now. Where are Mother and Father? They're usually here before I am. Are they in a meeting with the new general?

They must still think of me as a child. I'm an adult now. Heck, I'm the crown prince! I should be out there helping the kingdom instead of sitting on my throne like waiting for something to hit me.

I want to see Sammy.

And then I heard someone talking. The speech got louder and seemed as if they were heading towards the throne room.

"... And this is my son, Prince Claude Astley. Surely, you have heard of him," my father says as the front doors of the throne room open. He pauses after catching a glimpse of me.

I quickly got up and dusted myself. "Father, what a surprise. I thought that you and Mother were in a meeting."

"We were. However, we decided to give General Wilson a short tour of the castle. Would you like to take over, son? If not, you may read more on military formations in the library," my father responds with a stern tone.

I look at my mother, standing beside my father, and she shakes her head as a signal to leave. It seems as if my father is displeased with something. Was he mad at me? But what would he be mad about? "Thank you for inviting me, but I shall be reading in the library, Father." I turn to the new general and say with my royally forced smile, "I hope you find the castle as beautiful as I do. Please enjoy the tour."

I take my leave out of the side entrances and head towards the library. I've been spending a lot of time in there lately. Father makes me study things from the founders of the Astorewen Kingdom to the history of other empires surrounding us. It's tiring but I can't say no to my father.

He's always been harsh and strict. Mother says that's how he shows affection towards me. I can't say I agree with that. If I told Father about my sexual preference, he would definitely tell me off. He might even banish me.

I shouldn't even be thinking about this right now. 

I grab a book over military formations as my father said. I've already read the same book seven times. How interesting could the eighth time be?

I sigh and close the book. I walk out of the library and make my way towards the herbal garden, the place where Samuel and I made most of our memories.

As I'm heading towards the garden, I spot someone in the hallway walking towards my bedroom. "Are you looking for me?" I ask.

The person turns around, and it's Sammy!

"Oh, Prince Claude, there you are. I was just on my way to ask if you needed anything. I am your personal servant after all," Samuel says. "Do you have any tasks that I can help with at the moment?"

I shake my head in response, "I don't, but could you accompany me to the herbal garden? I plan to rest there for a bit, and I was wondering if you wanted to join."

Samuel chuckles, "The prince shouldn't be asking a servant for company, but I'll join you."

We talk about our day as we walk together side by side. It feels like it's been so long since the last time we talked. So long since we've been alone together.

We reach the garden and sit down on the bench underneath the peach tree. The tree held countless memories of our adventures and late-night conversations. Oh, how I miss those times. 

"So what's been on your mind, Claude? You've been having this distant look in your eyes for a few days now."

I laugh and shake my head, "It has always been difficult to hide anything from you, so I guess I should tell you the truth."


Hello, author here! I decided to update earlier because I have another story in mind. I'm not sure how long this story will be, but I think it will be less than ten chapters.

I also realized this chapter was shorter than the first. I'll try to write more for the next part.

Thank you for reading :) - Mangies

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