°•Those Red Eyes°•

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Y/N's POV 

I went to sleep since work today was exhausting to say the least- I worked as a Y/J and don't get me wrong the pay is great, But. After everything that has happened I just wanted to sleep forever. My "Friends" just turned on me, and my family...well, they didn't even want me to begin with. If I was being honest with myself I just wanted one thing from this earth I live on. One thing only to make me truly happy. Love. I wanted to experience what love really felt like, I wanted to know how it felt when you looked at someone and knew deep down in your soul. You knew. They where the one for you.
It's been a couple months now that monsters started living with us up upon the surface. You always where so fascinated about them...they where just different. A good different, it's like knowing there not like the rest of the awful people in the city Y/N lived in. Well at least not Yet...You begin to slowly close your eyes trying to push the thoughts away. Then you fell into a deep sleep.


This time it was different..? You never had dreams before. It was weird that it started out of Nowhere to. Then you saw a figure walking towards you, but you didn't seem afraid- the only thing you could hear was there footsteps, as your heart pounding through your chest. It wasn't pounding out of fear, but something else...Then you saw there-

Red eyes...

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