Story Time

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Your shotgun rested against your shoulder as you wiped a bit of sweat from your brow. Your hair was tied in a braid that was slowly falling. Strands of your (h/c) locks hung around your face to prove this as you kept pace with Rochelle. The entire group was quiet. Considering how the sun was beating down on all of you with a fierce type of heat, nobody wanted to try speaking in the humid air. Except for Ellis, of course. He always had something to say, but you seemed to be the only one that never really minded. He was always making you laugh or smile when you got down about the whole zombie apocalypse thing. You glanced over at him in time to see a light smile cross his lips as he placed his cap back on his head. No doubt he was trying to fix his mess of his hair. The mess of hair that you always loved to run your fingers through on the rare occasion he wasn't wearing his hat. 

"I ever tell y'all 'bout that one time me and my buddy Keith tried to make our own fireworks? I didn't know nothing 'bout chemistry, but-" 

Ellis was about to continue, and you were ready to laugh at whatever ridiculous thing his friend had done at that time, but Nick was quick to retaliate. 

"Real nice, Ellis. Say, why don't we play the shut up game? Let's start now." 

That made you stop where you were. Ellis almost looked upset at Nick's remark. Almost. However, the loss of another set of footsteps made everyone stop and look at you. 

"(Y/n)? What's up?" 

You didn't even give Rochelle a glance as you shoved your shotgun in her hands. Your expression was set in one of anger as your hands balled into fists. You marched up to Nick, getting in his face before you shoved a finger in it. 

"Why don't you leave 'im alone?" 

Nick looked rather surprised before he gained his composure back, thinking up some smartass remark, as always. 

"Sweetheart? Who are you to tell me what to do?" 

Oh, that nickname always pissed you off. You slightly gritted your teeth as you jabbed him in the chest. 

"I'm the 'sweetheart' who's gonna kick your ass if you don't leave El alone. He wants to tell a story, he's got every right to, dammit." 

Nick simply scoffed a bit, shaking his head. 

"Really? Well, I'm sure he'll be telling plenty of stories when a bunch of zombies are on our asses." 

His sarcastic tone simply made you explode. You grabbed his suit's fancy collar and pulled him to your height, looking him dead in the eye with the most intimidating glare you could manage. 

"You watch your tone, or I'll rip this $3000 suit off you and throw it to them damn zombies so quick, it'll make your head spin!" 

Your tone was dripping with venom, and it only took that to have Coach pull you away from your target. 

"Hey! Easy, girl. Look, we ain't gonna get nowhere if we keep fighting, so let's just get to the safe house. It ain't that far." 

You still gave Nick a death glare before you glanced at Coach. He was always the one to keep peace in the group. Hell, he was like your father figure, considering your age difference. You let out a breath before you gently took your shotgun back from Rochelle. The tension in the air slightly fell as you all started walking again. You fell back a bit to keep a pace with Ellis, the man glancing at you every minute or so. He lowered his voice so only you could hear, slightly bending down by your ear in the process. 

"Ya didn't have to do that, (n/n). I don't mind." 

You looked up at your friend, almost looking in a state of disbelief. 

"Of course I had to. I'm sick of him being such a dick to you." 

Ellis just shot you a smile that tugged at your heart. He slowed to a stop before turning his back to you. 

"Get on." 

You were more than confused as you stared at him. 


He looked at you over his shoulder, that childish smile still on his lips. 

"Come on. You're tired. It ain't hard to see. Get on." 

You stood in your place for a moment before you slung your gun over your shoulder, thankful it had a strap before you awkwardly placed your hands on Ellis's shoulders. You used him as leverage as you jumped, and he wasted no time in catching your legs. You kept them around his middle, his hands under your thighs as he started walking. You weren't exactly heavy, considering food was sometimes scarce in the damn zombie apocalypse, so he had no problem. You wrapped your arms around Ellis's neck as he followed the group, quietly continuing his story. You tried to stifle your laughs, but sometimes it was hard. Every time you were a bit louder than you had planned, you would catch Rochelle or Coach looking back to see what was going on. When they noticed Ellis giving you a ride and smiling as you giggled behind your hand, they would exchange a glance and a grin before carrying on. Once Ellis had finished his story, you nestled your head comfortably in the crook of his neck. He didn't mind, though, as he felt your lips against his skin. He knew when you were smiling, and it only made him feel better that he was the one to make you do so.

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