Chapter 1

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Mapleshade moved through the thick layers of bracken covering the wooden floor, Patchkit's scruff gripped in her teeth and her two other kits bundling on behind her. Finally, they had made it to the Riverclan border, only a raging river not standing in their way. The river borrowed through the territories like a weaving snake, letting nothing get in its way. Patchkit had to be carried for too long, starting to squirm and whimper, forcing her to put him down.

Mapleshade twisted her head, glaring by into the woodland landscape, looking for any glimpses of movement of pelts. Paranoid, they could be attacked by an enraged Thunderclan patrol at any moment. Knowing that some of her traitorous former Clanmates thought exile was too good for Half-bloods. Which disgusted her.

Patchkit hung his head and tail low in sorrow, "Why does Thunderclan hate us, mother? Why do we have to leave? What do we do wrong?", spending a wave of questions at her. "We did nothing wrong.", Mapleshade growled, "It's them that's the problem, not us!", losing her temper slightly. She turned away from him before she made things worse, "Good for nothing fox hearts.", she muttered under her breath. Sitting down on the sandy earth, she tried to clear her head. Then she felt tiny paws grip her leg as Larchkit reared up on his back legs to meet his mother's eyes, "But we want to go back. I want to go back to camp and the nursery.". Mapleshade shook her head, "Forget about camp. Forget about the nursery. We are outcasts now, you need to understand that. We can't go back. Or they'll hurt us if we do.".

Petalkit took a step closer to the rushing water, staring at it with eyes the sizes of moons. "Do we have to swim in there again?", the she-cat asked nervously. Mapleshade paused looking down at the speeding current, "Not yet.", using her tail to draw her kit away from the edge. The water hissed and spat as it slammed against the rocky shore. The river was a lot higher then she remembered, completely submerging nearby reeds under its murky surface. Her worry only grew as her gaze drifted upstream. She hissed, the stepping stones had been completely submerged as well! Only two pathetic grey stumps were left managing to peek up above the useless waves is trying to cross.

It would be lucky if she made it across in one piece herself, let alone tiny 2 moon old kits. She had to consider her options carefully if she didn't want anyone being washing away or drowning. She could try and take them over one by one but Oakstar had only given her until Sunhigh to leave and the sun was already flying high in the sky. It would take too long, putting them too at risk of being attacked by a patrol. Or she could carry one while the other swam by her- Was she mouse brained? They wouldn't survive that. She decided to go for broke, simply combining the two ideas together.

She crouched down at the river's edge, "Larchkit, Petalkit, climb on my back.", she told them. They seemed confused but didn't question it as they wriggled on top of her. When they were both in position, surrounded by her patchy thick fur. "Ok, now listen to me because this is very important.", she explained, with both of their full attention, "You must hold onto me as tightly as you can, use your claws to grip me.". Petalkit obediently nodded but Latchkit began to look distressed, "But won't that hurt you?". Mapleshade shook her head, trying not to give away how scared she was herself, "Don't worry about me, just make sure to use your claws, as deep as they will go.".

She winced slightly as thorn-like claws dug into her flesh while they shifted around, preparing themselves. As she began to stand on long legs, Patchkit leapt in front of her, "What about me?", he asked blinking. Not bothering to say anymore, she leaned down and took him by the scruff once more. Luckily, no one was making a fuss. With a final deep sigh, Mapleshade took her first step into the water. Immediately, even with little as a paw in, she felt the immense strength of the current. It was also bitterly ice cold, as it crept down into her bones. The gravel under her paws shifted and shield as it gave under her weight. She dug her claws into sandy shoreline as she took one strenuous step after the other. It was already this harsh and she hadn't even made it halfway. For a heartbeat, she felt tempted to leap back onto to the safe dry land but quickly banished those thoughts to the back of her mind. There was no going back now!

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