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Your pov

'Maybe I should take the Hunter exam, I think running around with no destination won't help. Perhaps I'll find someone there who can give me some information, and then the hunter's license can always be useful'.

First phase: extremely smooth.
Second phase: pretty easy.

Third phase.

Examiner: "draw a number inside this box without looking, you will move in pairs with the number you have chosen. Only the first half that has passed the second phase can choose, the others put their numbers inside."

The first to pass was tall, he had an hourglass physique but he was muscular and strangely handsome. what a weirdo.

???: "I guess I'll have to pair with this sweetie, that'll be fun~♡"

he looked me straight in the eyes with a terrifying smile.
Do I have to make couple with this weirdo?

Hisoka's pov

74, huh? She's such a cutie, should I test her? Let's see~
I approached her asking for her name, but someone interrupted me.

???: "Hisoka! You stupid wizard! Don't you dare test her with your stupid tricks!"


Y/n: "so your name is Hisoka?"

She's being kind, what a coincidence~

Hisoka: "I guess so, what's yours, sweetie?~♤"
Y/n: "Y/n, nice to meet you!"

No one else has been so nice to me, is she acting? I don't think so, she's just a cute teen.

Hisoka: "Such a gorgeous name, are you a foreigner?~♧"
Y/n: "I guess, I don't even know it."

I can tell that she is not lying. I'll take it easy with her, I'm curious~

Your pov

He may be weird, but it's pretty strong and he can help me. I'll be friends with him, I guess it is better not to have him as an enemy.
The third phase began and we walked in awkward silence as the tension has broken.

Hisoka: "Why are you here

I swear to God if he calls me sweetie once again I'll... Nevermind.

Y/n: "I'll be straightforward with you because I don't want you to misunderstand my intentions. I'm here to get help."
Hisoka: "Let's see if I can please you~♡"
Y/n: "I want to be part of the spider. I have all the time, it would be enough for me to even thank them personally, they freed me from darkness and despair without even knowing it, that's why I want to be part of it, they saved me".

Hisoka shivered and stiffened, then chuckled.

Hisoka: "Are you serious? Be part of the spider? A swee-

A strong punch hit Hisoka's face right in the nose, blood running down his lips.

Y/n: "Say it again. C'mon, you're strong, right?"
Hisoka: "Ooh, I didn't expect that, you're neither a sweetie nor a weak, my sincere apologies~♤"
Y/n: "Don't mind that, I just don't like it when someone underestimates me. We were talking about the spider, you didn't have a good reaction when I mentioned it. Spill the tea"
Hisoka: "All right fruit, I'll tell you everything I know about the Phantom troupe~♡"

What the hell is wrong with him?
While we were fighting with some prisoners, I asked him some questions about the crew, such as the number of members, how someone can be in it and the name of the leader.

𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now