The Rescue

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Hannah's POV

As I stare at the same wall I have been facing for a while now. To my right I see the empty chair that used to belong Grace, I can still hear Angelina to her right and to my left is the chair holding my last best friend Alana. I am not sure exactly how long it has been since we've been here but from the number of sunsets and sunrises we have been here for 11 months and 27 days.
The last thing I hear from grace is her scream.
"What are we going to do? What is his plan? Is he taking us out 1 at a time? You're the agent what do we do in a situation like this?" Alana asks
"Alana I don't know much. What I can tell you is the two windows in this house are bullet and sound proof and the door is dead bolted and like wood glued shut so from what I have seen there is no escape. We have been here for almost a year and now I am pretty sure he is taking us out one by one." Hannah continues to stare at the wall regretting ever coming on this trip
Out of nowhere a blunt metal object hits the back of my head and I am out. When I wake I am in the panic room.
"So you're the smart one i gather?" He raises an eyebrow "You could say that. What is your plan? To kill all of us? I am letting you know the FBI will find me and then they will find you. Whether dead or alive I will be found." Hannah doesn't break eye contact. "You're on leave the FBI doesn't even know that you are gone. So it won't be too difficult to stay off of their radar."
"See technically I was on leave for 11 months but I should've been back in the office 3 weeks ago because we have been here for what 11 months and 27 days? So by now the agency have sent agents to my house and tracked my phone they know I'm missing by now." I smile facing him. "By then you will be dead." he murmurs. "I have you completely figured out. You're a narcissistic sadist who gets pleasure from torturing and raping women for long periods of time until you get bored with them and then you kill them dispose of them and get yourself between 2-4 women. But you know what I am still confused about, how one petite little man such as yourself was able to take out 4 grown women, 1 of whom is an FBI agent. See I don't remember anything from the time I left my hotel so I am guessing you drugged me somewhere in between when I was in the lobby checking out and when I went to get food at the restaurant." I say looking at him as he begins pacing around my chair.

"You're smart little girl but what you don't know is the plan i decide to take you all out in. I am going to take you out one by one every hour. I already started" he says moving out of the way. Turning the chair around I see the blood splatter on the walls and the all so familiar table except this time the victim on it was dead.

"Grace!! NO! How could you?" She was the nicest one. I begin to cry. "One by one. Tik tok Tik Tok"
I begin to think that I was his gratified target and that the others are collateral damage. Somewhere behind a locked door I can hear a clock and I am guessing from the sky it is about to hit another hour.
At this point the sight of blood doesn't bother me but knowing that I am officially alone in this house with him. They're all gone and there is nothing I can do to even bring them back. I wake up locked in the torture room where I can see Angeline tied up and being tortured by the Unsub she's gone within minutes. I pass back out
and wake up I am tied to the torture table. My subconscious mind wouldn't let me remember Alana dying but I know I watched it. I can feel that she is dead, the gaping hole in my heart tells me I am right. My hands are doused in blood and dirt. I move my eyes around as they begin to adjust in the dark. I can't feel anything from my shoulders down I am paralyzed and I hear the door bang open. It is not the familiar ugly face I am used to standing over me but a soft face like that of an angel and i can't hear what he is trying to say. I blink a few times and shake my head believing this is a dream. I awake in the hospital.

Spencer's POV

"Hello. My name is Agent Jennifer Jareau with the Behavioral Analysis Unit this is my partner Dr. Spencer Reid. Are you up for a few questions Agent Evans?" she asks as her eyes flutter open. "Yeah. I am that's fine. Thank you for saving me." she says looking between the two of us. Of course. Did you get a name of the man who was holding you hostage?" I ask looking at her. Something about her green eyes brings me curiosity. "You didn't get him?" she asked the spark in her eyes diminished. "Umm he never told me a name but I kept hearing Gary from someone in a back room with him that stayed locked." she says as I see her trying to fight back tears.

"Did you ever get out of that chair or attempt to escape?" JJ asks her and the a tear falls down her cheek. My stomach fills with sadness and I want to catch this guy. Something about her eyes and the pain filled with them draws me to her.

"I tried to escape the first few days I was there the windows couldn't be smashed I am assuming they were bulletproof and the door was stuck. I have an IQ of 170 so I was using my brain to try and find a way out but I couldn't. I am sorry I feel like I failed as an agent." she cries trying to make herself smaller. All I can do is stare at her.
"No. you did what you could in a bad situation. So we will come back later today to ask you more questions and keep you updated on the investigation. You were a huge help if it means anything." I say looking at her with a shy smile.
"Okay thank you. If it helps he was a narcissistic sadist who got pleasure out of the torture but he knew the FBI was gaining on him so he attempted to get rid of all of us. Each one of us was killed by the hour. Grace went first, then Angelina, then Alana and then I was next when you found me."she sobs. "How did you find me so quickly? He made me watch each one of them die. I don't remember about the rest of the day before you found me I had blood and dirt on my hands I think they were buried and he made me bury them I don't know I'm sorry." She looks away from us and holds back tears. "We have been looking for you and your friends for three weeks. We couldn't save your friends and I am sorry." I say looking at her as sadness fills my brain. JJ begins staring at me with curious eyes.
"Can someone stay with me I don't want to be alone." she says looking around. I offer to stay. I want to get to know her better. Something about her makes me wonder. I get lost in her eyes as she begins to come to terms with what has happened.
We talked about our IQ's and just life. I tell her stuff about me, stuff that no one else knows. For some reason when I look in her eyes I know I can trust her. I smile to myself as she starts to fall asleep.


A/N: Hey guys. I am Haley. The chapters from here on out are going to look different than what is published. Hope you enjoy and thank you for reading.

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