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The woods were silent.

The woods were hot and still. Not a breeze stirred.

The woodland seemed ominously quiet. Nova paused, now that even the sound of her own footfalls was silent, all that could be heard was the susurration of the leaves in the gusty wind. Looking up, she was transfixed by the myriad of fluttering leaves that danced in the high boughs, making a living roof above her.

She was calmed, almost hypnotised, but the longer Nova stared the more the leaves looked like eyes staring back down at her and the boughs seemed to draw closer, blocking the sunlight as if they were forming a cage around her.

Her eyes were focused on the leaves, forgetting everything around herself. For once she felt at peace. Nothing was bothering her, she felt energized, alive and free.

The cold refreshing air of the late night summer breeze were getting through her nostrils. Taking in the scents of spring rain, wet leaves, the cherry blossoms, the scent of pinecones, even dirt.

"Nova I need you to stop trying to fight it off"

There it was again, the voice that she didn't miss at all. The one voice that deep inside scares her of the unknown.

Is she imagining the ghostly voice or is it real? As real as the supernatural world could be?



The high-pitched scream woke Nova up from her nap she was taking while her mother Alice and her newly adopted brother, Wyatt, were driving back from New York.

"Did I wake you up?", Wyatt's calm voice sound up sympathizing with Nova's constant and personalized nightmares she was getting almost every two or three days, as half of his face reappeared from hiding deep inside of his comic.

"Oh no, T! I just slept bad, not your fault", Nova calmed him down reassuring him he didn't do anything wrong, with a soft smile she looked over to her mother who was also feeling bad for her.

Alice knew about the latest issues that Nova had, Finn noticed it once at the beginning of the summer break just when they arrived in New York.

At first he kept it to himself until it got worse and worse. The minute Wyatt and Lin were adopted and moved in with them, Nova's nightmares decreased strangely enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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