Chapter 4

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Stacie's POV of the date:

When Beca asked me out I was pleasantly surprised. Ever since sharing our stories with each other we have been closer than ever and I have been waiting for her to ask me out. At first I thought she might be joking when she asked but when I saw how adorably nervous she was i couldn't help but smile as I told her yes. She walked with me out to the parking lot until we got to her bike so she could get to work. She started working with my dad a few weeks ago and he has had nothing but good things to say about her in her work.

I went home and did my homework before going down into the living room to watch some tv for a while. I was watching the end of a movie when mom came home and started dinner so I went to help her out. We just talked about random stuff for a while until dad got home and we sat down to eat. He was talking about his day when he said to my mom, "oh by the way honey we owe Veronica five bucks each". My mom looked confused before looking excited as my dad then said, "She was right about everything. How long it would take as well as how much of a gentlewoman her daughter is". I was looking at them like they had lost their minds but they wouldn't stop smiling at me. I asked my dad what the heck they were talking about and he finally cracked saying, "I had an interesting talk with Beca today thats all". I think I know where this is going but i just nervously chuckled saying, "Oh? What about?". He chuckled and said, "Oh you know work and stuff. Also the fact that she was taking you on a date and she asked my permission". I sat there blushing like crazy while my parents started to laugh at me.

By this time we were done eating and I huffed at them before going into the living room. Mom joined me saying it was dad's job to do dishes since we cooked. She then turned to me and said, "So all teasing aside, did she at least find a cute way to ask you?". I blushed and told her about catching her staring and how she called me really beautiful and then asked. Then I told her how excited I was and how adorable her little happy dance had been after I said yes all the while she was cooing at how cute it all was. She then gave me a big hug and said she was really happy for me and that it was about damn time one of us worked up the courage to do something. The three of us watched tv after dad finished until it was time for bed.

The next day was really good and Beca seemed really cute and nervous. Finally at the end of the day she walked me to my car and said she would pick me up at 7 and to dress casual. I told her I would see her then and she hugged me and kissed my cheek before heading to her bike. I went home to get my homework for the weekend done and when I finished my mom was home and it was already 5 so I decided to start getting ready. I took a quick shower and then put on my bra and panties before going into my bathroom to curl my hair. Once that was done I put on my light wash jeans, a blue v-neck, with some black heels and a black sweater. By this point it was 6:45 so I started on my makeup. My mom came in to check on me about 10 minutes later and i was almost done and she said she would tell Beca that i was almost ready. At exactly 7 I heard the doorbell ring and my parents got the door. I took one last look in the mirror to double check everything looked good before grabbing my phone and slipping it in my pocket on my way out my door.

Just as I was coming down the stairs I heard Beca telling my dad that she would have me home on time. I cleared my throat to signify my entrance and when Beca looked up her jaw dropped as she just stared at me. She looked super sexy in her skinny jeans v-neck and flannel. Everything just hugged her the right way. She was still staring as I got to her and I giggled as I closed her mouth for her. She just looked me up and down again and said, "Wow Stacie you look ... wow". I just giggled at her again as I told her she looked good as well. Then she gave me the roses she was holding and I thanked her for giving them to my mom to put away as we went on the date. She walked me to the car and opened the door for me bowing dramatically and saying "my lady". I laughed at her and said, "thank you kind sir" before getting in her jeep. As she drove I tried to get her to tell me where we were going but she wouldn't budge even when I tried pouting at her.

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