Chapter 2

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Boston, Massachusetts 2002

Stacie's POV:

Man traveling across realms is disorienting. One minute I am watching Regina and Belle as they complete a ritual to send me here and the next thing I know I am in some forest near a strange trail. There seem to be these lines on the trail separating it into two halves but I can't fathom why. Suddenly there is a loud noise and bright lights are coming at me at an impossible speed. I scream and jump out of the way as this giant metal beast rushes past me while it screeches to a stop. As the metal beast stops a door opens and a man steps out and I have come to realize that this must be some sort of carriage but I have never seen one quite like it, plus where are the horses pulling it? The man runs up to me and says, "Jesus kid what are you doing in the middle of the street?". This confuses me so I ask, "What is a street?". He just looks at me incredulously and says, "umm... kid you're standing on one, you know the place where cars drive. Where are your parents? Are you lost or something?". I think for a second before saying, "I don't know my parents and I can't remember how I got here. Also what is a car? Do you mean the strange metal carriage you were in?". The man seems to stare at me in confusion for several minutes before replying, "how can you not know what a car is they have been around for a long time? You know what nevermind. Yes I'm talking about the metal, what was it you said, oh yes carriage. Here let me give you a ride into town and the police can help you find your parents". I contemplate this offer for several minutes, on the one hand, I do not know what a police is or how they can help, but on the other hand it is dark and cold and I would rather not have to wander this strange realm alone in the dark. I agree and soon we are in this strange carriage contraption and heading on our way.

When I asked how the carriage worked the man told me something about a 400 horsepower engine. This was confusing because I couldn't see 400 horses so I asked him where they were and he just chuckled at me and didn't say anything. After about 10 minutes in this strange contraption we came to a well lit area with several buildings and more of these strange carriages. Soon we pulled up to a building and he stopped the ... car?... at least I think that is what he called it. He got out and I did the same and he escorted me into the building which said 'Police Station' on the front. When we walked in there were several men and women wearing these strange dark blue outfits, and even the ladies were wearing slacks instead of dresses. All the people also had these weird metal chains on them and a black thing on their hips. I was looking everywhere in total confusion while the man who brought me here talked to some lady. After a few minutes of this the man said, "Hey kid, I'm gonna go but this nice officer is going to ask you some questions and help you get situated for the night". Before I could ask him what he meant or even thank him for helping me he walked away and left.

I looked at the officer the man had mentioned and she said, "hi sweetie, I'm officer Angle but you can call me Jess. what do you say we go get you something to eat and you can help me figure out what to do with you?". I have to say the thought of food does sound good. I didn't get to eat before the ritual and I am quite hungry. I agree by nodding my head and she says, "okay sweetie I know just the place. Before we go can I ask your name?". I tell her my name is Anastasia and she says it is nice to meet me. She takes me outside to another car thingy only this one is black and white. Once we get in and she has me put the weird strap thing on she takes us a bit away to a different building that says 'Diner' on it. We go inside and are led to a table that has two long cushions on either side of it. Jess tells me to sit on one and she sits on the other while facing me. As we sit a lady comes over to us and puts down two sheets of paper on the table with a bunch of words on it that I have never heard of. She seems to watch me for a minute before she asks, "Do you know what you want?". I look at her and tell her I have no clue what anything is and she looks confused before deciding for me and asking the lady for two waters and two stacks of something called pancakes.

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