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Keisha: Amanda wake up this motherfucka keep calling your phone

Amanda: Girl what I'm sleeping

Keisha gets closer to Amanda ear


Amanda: Omg pass me my phone then

Keisha: here motherfucka

Amanda: Damn he called me 58 times what do he want 🤦🏽‍♀️

Keisha: Dumbass obviously it's important if he calling you that much but I be right back I gotta go to the bathroom

Amanda: Lol let me call him ................. Hello

Tay: Baby you gone be busy today?

Amanda: I don't know why bae?

Tay: because I  wanna take you out to eat for dinner

Amanda: Okay baby what time?

Tay: Like around 7:30 I'll text you

Amanda: Okay baby ttyl

Tay:  Okay Ttyl


"Keisha runs in the room"

Keisha: What Bitch damn

Amanda: We going shopping Tay taking me out for dinner tonight and plus I heard some new air jordans came out today let's go shopping and get them and I need you to help me decided what should I wear for dinner tonight

Keisha runs to the bathroom and get dress and flat irons her hair and throws sum eyelashes on

Keisha: Bitch you said shopping let's gooooo‼️

Amanda and Keisha arrives at Beverly's Mall and once she get out the car she gets a text from Bella

Bella💗:Hey Amanda wyd today?

Amanda: Shopping if you want you can meet me at Beverly's Mall I wanna introduced you to my bestfriend

Bella💗: Okay I'll be there

"30 Minutes later Bella arrives at Beverlys mall"

Amanda: Hey Girly ☺️

Bella: Hey Amanda

Amanda: I wanna introduced you to my Bestfriend Keisha, Keisha this is Bella and Bella this is Keisha

Keisha:Heyy Bitchh

Amanda: Keisha you could've just said Heyy without adding the bitch 🙄

Keisha: Girl bye

Bella: "Laughs" It's okay Amanda hey Keisha nice to meet you

Keisha: Nice to meet you too enough with all the talking Let's go shopping bitchesssss

After hours of shopping Amanda dropped Keisha and Bella off at home and went home to get ready for her dinner date with Tay

1 hour laters after Amanda was doing her make up and hair she got a text from Tay

Baby💍(Tay):You ready baby?

Amanda:Yes I'm ready😊

Baby💍(Tay):Okay come down I'm outside

Amanda put her heels on and run down stairs to Tay car

Tay:GODDAMNNNN 😳 Baby you look good

Amanda: Bae stop 🥰

Tay:I'm serious baby you look beautiful 😋

Amanda:Thank you bae where we going Tho

Tay:It's a surprise so just relax until we get there


20 minutes pass by and Tay and Amanda arrives at this Italian Restaurant

Amanda:Well damn bae look at yo ass tryna get fancy on me

Tay: Girl getcho fine ass up so we can go in there and have some dinner my ass hungry and I know you hungry too

After 47 minutes of eating and talking it was time for them to go home and Tay took Amanda home and parked the car in front of the house

Tay: So did you like dinner bae?

Amanda: Yes I really enjoyed myself we need to go on dates more often

Tay: Yeah definitely but it's so hard to do anything now because I'm always with James and now you always with Keisha I barley get to see you

Amanda: I know but you know we gotta be there for ours friend it's a rough time for them right now

Tay: I just missed when we all together kicking it  at arcades or at the Pizza place Us 4 go everyday after school

Amanda: Me too baby and Me, you, Keisha and James anniversary coming up and I don't know if we'll all be able to go down to that spot like we do every anniversary since Keisha and James not talking

Tay: I know but me and you will make sure we'll be able to do it and I promise we all go be back together like old days

Amanda: Yeah I Hope and by the way I need you to meet my friend Bella

Tay:You talking about that quiet girl that's all ways staring at you like she wanna do some to you

Amanda: TAY stop it's not even like that

Tay: I'm just saying bae you know how them movies go the one quiet girls becomes friend with a girl and gets obsessed with the girl and fucks her life up or some shit you know what I'm talking about

Amanda: Bae shut the fuck up we not in no motherfuckin movie is you go meet her or not

Tay:Lmfao I'm just fuckin with you bae yeah  I'll meet her


Tay: So can you gimme a kiss tho because you looking to good right now and your fucking turning me on

Amanda: I mean like why would I do anything with you in this hot ass car when we can do something upstairs in my room you know my parents on vacation for a few weeks Dumbass

Tay: Shit say less

Tay picks Amanda up and take her upstairs and throws her on the bed

Amanda:Damn bae aggressive ass

Tay: You look to good I can't help myself lmfao

Tay slowly lifts Amanda dress up  while staring her down then he started kissing down her body teasing her 😌then starts to eat her out making her moan  😩
6 minutes laters
he lift her left leg up and sticks his dick in slowly so she can feel every inch of him so he was deep stroking her then he started to speed up going faster while Amanda pushing his stomach watching him smile at her and bite his lips while looking in her eyes then he slowed down then all of a sudden Amanda gets a phone call from Keisha and answered

Amanda: Hello

Keisha:How was the dat...

Before she can get the last word out Tay puts his dick back inside Amanda causing her to accidentally moan


Keisha: Y'all freaky asses up there fucking nasty asses just tell me the tea at school tomorrow bye bitch

Amanda:Lmfao bye

Tay: "Laughs" Omg that shit was funny

Amanda: Get off me why would you do that motherfucka

Tay:Bae what was I suppose to do sit her with my dick out getting cold and shit lmfaoa

Amanda:I hate you 🙄

Tay:I love you too now let's watch some Netflix's and cuddle

So  they decided to watch Netflix's and Cuddle until they  fell asleep

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