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"EOMMA!" Y/N rush down and quickly walk to her daughter. She shocked as she saw her crying. She quickly hug her and say "what happen my dear?"

"I miss Appa"said her. Y/N smile widely and hug her daughter. She sighed and say "Appa will be back soon darling. He is busy with his work"

"But I miss Appa so much. I want to play with him, I want to hangout with him."said Yumi who cried even harder.

Y/N sighed and say "Okey if that so, what about, the both of us, meet aunty Yerim and uncle Taehyung?"

Yumi look at her and say "Really?" Y/N nod and Yumi hugged her tightly. She sighed and say "Yumi, you should go to bed okey? You're going to school tomorrow. After that, we will go and visit aunty Yerim and uncle Taehyung okey?"

Yumi nod and peck her cheek. She run to her room and Y/N sighed heavily. She take out her phone and dial her husband's number.

She wait and walk out from the house. She sit on a bench where she and her husband always hangout especially when the day became darker.

"Jungkook?"said her as her husband answer the call.

Jungkook in the other line sit on the bed and say "Yes dear? Do you miss me?"

She smile and say "I miss you so much and Yumi too. She keep on crying wanting you to come home early"

"I wish I can but the work, so many to take care of."said Jungkook and wipe his hair with a towel.

"Hrmmm it's okey. I understand. I'm going to take Yumi visit Yerim and Tae tomorrow after school"said her.

She miss him. Even though he is away from them for awhile. He really want to come home but his project with his clients are too many. He can't reject all of the offer from his clients. He might lose everything and that would give a huge impact toward his family.

He sighed and say "alright then, be careful okey? Always keep an eye on Yumi and tell her, I miss her too. I will buy some dolls or maybe a teddy bear for her"

Y/N smile and say "Sure."

The both of them became silence. Jungkook smile and stare at his wedding ring. He sighed and say "Honey?"


"I love you"

"I love you too"said Y/N in smile. He smile and say "You should go to sleep. I don't want my princess to get tired because of me"

"Alright sir. I will hung up the phone then. Bye. Take care of yourself."said her.

"You too"said Jungkook.

Y/N hung up the call and quickly walk inside.

Jungkook stare at his phone and open the gallery. He stare at his picture with her and their daughter. After five years ago, they became more happier and no one came into their life again. Well, at this moment, he and her already forget everything about what had happened. Feels like, there's nothing happen.

He sighed heavily and close his eyes. With that, he fall asleep.


Yumi walk in with her into Yerim's cafe. Yerim saw them and quickly open up her arm to Y/N. Y/N smile and hug her. Then, Yerim take Yumi into her arm.

She then say "I see, are you to visit me again? Do you miss me that much?" Yumi giggle and say "Aunty, you're getting more prettier"

"Hrmm, am I ugly all this time?"said Yerim and fake pouting. Y/N furrow her eyebrows because of her friend behaviour. Well, after Yumi came and became so close to her, Yerim is not a savage or cool girl anymore.

Well, she do a bit. It's depends on her mood.

Yumi hold her both cheek and say "no. You are pretty everyday but, today is way more better than the other day"

Yerim smile and say "Of course, because, I have a shocked news for you and your mother"

Y/N look at her in questionable. Yerim smile and say "before that, let's have a seat."

Yerim walk to the empty table with Yumi in her arms. Y/N only follow them and sit with them. Yerim then say "girl! Take their order!"

A waitress came and take their order. After a few chatting, their order arrived and they enjoyed it.

Then Y/N said "Yerim, what is the shocking news?"

Yerim look at her and say "Okey so, Taehyung and I won't be around here for some long time I guess"

Y/N furrow her eyebrows and say "Why? Wait? Are you moving to another country? You want to live me? Here? Hey, you can't do that to me"

Yerim roll her eyes and say "I'm not done talking yet silly. Listen, Taehyung and I are going to have our honeymoon"

Y/N wided her eyes and say "really? Wow! Where are you guys going?"

Yerim smile and say "Australia"

"Wow. Who planned all of this?"said Y/N.

"Well, of course it's not me. It's Tae obviously. So, he talked with me about it last night and he even bought a ticket for the two of us. Guess what? Our flight will be tomorrow"

Y/N blinks her eyes and say "Are you serious? Why is he so surprising?"

Yerim cross her arm and say "Well, you know how he is. A lot of suprise. I won't be suprise but yeah, I would be a little worried about my cafe. I really don't want to leave it without my--"

"Let me take care of it for you"said Y/N. Yerim look at her and say "Are you sure? Not only my cafe, you need to take care of my restaurant too."

"Yeah I'm sure. I'm pretty bored at home anyway"said Y/N with a bit of sadness. Well, she really wants to work but Jungkook forbidden her.

"Okey, but, I would be okey with it, it won't bother you right? You will get a little bit busy here"said Yerim again as she is trying to make her bestfriend change her mind.

"Yerim, it would be so much fun if I take care of it. I'm your bestfriend anyway."said Y/N. She really want her to agree on it.

Yerim still hesitate and say "What about Jungkook? Of course he will say no to this? And Yumi? Who will take care of her?"

"I can come here to company eomma. Or I will go Appa's office. Appa won't mad at me for coming into his office"said Yumi as she heard everything.

Y/N smile widely and say "You heard her?"

Yerim sighed and say "But, who is going to take you from school?"

"Yerim, I have a personal driver. Remember?"said Y/N.

Yerim sighed heavily and look at the both of them. She smile awkwardly and say "Fine! But, if Jungkook mad at me, what will you do?"

"I will comfort him!"said Yumi.

Yerim look at her and say "Aww Yumi. I really appreciate it but I'm really afraid that your Appa might be mad at Aunty and eomma"

Yumi shook her head and say "He won't because I will protect eomma from Appa no matter what!"

Yerim smile and say "really? You're going to protect eomma?" Yumi nod happily and the both of them hug each other.

Then Yerim say "okey then, I will pay once I'm coming back"

"Thanks Yerim"said Y/N and they continue to have a few chit chat before going home.

THE THIRD PERSON [BOOK 2] || JEON JUNGKOOK [OG]Where stories live. Discover now