Chapter 1

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Scream! Shout!
Scream! Shout!
We are the fallen angels!
We are the inbetween, cast down as sons of war,
Struck to earth like lightning, on this world we're torn.

I knew they were judging, I knew they were staring but honestly, there was nothing I could've done. Whatever I do, where ever I go, I will always get judged. Thing is, all these assholes don't even know my name. It's actually quite entertaining how some people are so oblivious to the fact that I know that they'd be judging.

Summer break will be over in a week and I go back to hell, where I'm the outcast. I'm an outcast everywhere anyways so why bother? Nowadays, I can't even go to the library without new rumours spreading around about me. Funny how people seem to like staring at the blade I keep around my neck, although they have no clue why it's even there, and they most definitely never will.

They're scared. Scared of me, scared for me, what a joke. They all think I'm fragile and I'm a girl that self harms and all that shit. Well, newsflash assholes I don't. I am a cold-hearted person, I'll admit that. But, like every other human, I have feelings and you mess with mine, you wish you'd be dealing with Lucifer himself and not me.

I wonder what it's like not being judged though, being accepted in society, having friends. Friends that won't leave once they find out your past, friends that are trustworthy.

The only thing I want in life, is to be accepted for who I am, guess that ain't happening.

I walk around the city, knowing that wherever I step foot in, people hate me, for no reason, knowing that I'm getting judged, knowing whatever that person is thinking about, knowing that, that group of stuck up bitches standing less 10 feet away from me are sending me death glares. And for exactly that group of annoying, good-for-nothing, stuck- up brats, I show them my loving best friend, my middle finger.

Gosh, I'm so nice it shocks me.

Deciding that I give up on this stupid world and that sleep is the best thing to ever exist, I start heading back home to my bed, where I enjoy sleeping all day, everyday. But thanks to my glorious luck, one of the biggest fuckboys and richest dipshits on earth, decides to bump into me.
Ethan. Fucking. Ryder.

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