Chapter 15.

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Ethan's P.O.V (Saturday)

I wasn't really excited about this idea but I said nothing about it. We stood out side the movie theatre and waited for him, so I've heard. I looked at Harry who was looking kind of nervous. He kept looking at his watch untill a black range pulled up and some guy with tattoos got out. After talking to someone else in the car he called over Harry. I was taken aback when he kissed him openly. I felt my chest tighten. I looked down on Aubrey who was clearly enjoying herself. This was her doing.

So that's him.

They walked over to us after the car drove away. He introduced his self as Luke, I think. I really wasn't listening. I was too busy looking at Harry act all shy and being all red. Why was he never like that around me?

We got to the movie after buying snacks I sat in the middle of Harry and Aubrey. I was intentionally brushing my hand over Harry's. I mean some part of me was upset that he was ignoring me. Like even tight now he won't look at me. I mean I did nothing wrong. Did I? I tried focusing on the movie then realized we had watched it not too long ago. Then I got an idea. I am going to make it impossible for him to ignore me. I smirked every time I felt him looking at me.

"Remember when we watched this then got rained on," . I leaned over whispered to him making sure I didn't attract any attention. I chuckled as I saw him look around and visibly tense up, shifting uncomfortably.

As the movie went on I was still up set. He kept ignoring me now and was talking to that guy again. They kept laughing and I got petty to say the least.

"Hey keep it down you're being too loud." I whispered shouted. Aubrey looked at me a bit puzzled. I shrugged it off.

Eventually the movie ended and I got the chance to be alone with him. Aubrey and the guy went off to the bathroom. I can tell Aubrey too a liking to him. I sat down and Harry sat next to me with his back turned to me. He wasn't even hiding it at this point.

"What the fuck is up with you today?" He asked neither of us bother to look at each other.

He noticed.

"Nothing, and why do you keep ignoring my texts, you can't even look at me,it's like your avoiding me, like right now you have your back turned." I told him seemingly starting to get annoyed.

"I've been busy." He said flatly. As if it wasn't a lie.

"With your boyfriend " I said the world boyfriend mockingly just to get to him.

"What the fuck dude, you haven't even talked to him. And I haven't missed the way you kept glaring at us." He had a point but that wouldn't stop me

"I just don't like him, he's a douche." I said bluntly. It wasn't a lie that's what I thought.

"You're friends are douches"

"And so is he," I stated.

"Are you jealous?" I scoffed.

"Why would I be?" Of course I'm not.

"Cause you're acting like an ass."

"I'm not, just saying what I think."

Our conversation was cut short when Aubrey and Luke, is it, came back.

"And anyway why would I be jealous? I had your heart way before you knew he exited." I said before they got within ear shot. I was feeling smug when he looked dumbfounded. He just stood there looking at me as I made my way to Aubrey. This was too fucking good. I winked at him then I left with my arm around her.

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