Chapter 18.

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I woke up a bit tired. Last night we stayed up late cause we had my birthday dinner. They insisted I wake up early today after keeping me out too late. I sighed and rubbed the sleep off my eyes. I went and took a shower. Dressed in skinny black jeans and a grey t-shirt and put on my leather jacket. Funny thing, I was wearing the same jacket last year.

I made scrubbled eggs and bacon. I sat down and ate. I looked at the time and it was 8. I was right on time. Then my phone buzzed.

"Hey birthday boy, hope you're ready." Luke said cheerfully. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but can't you just tell me where we are going at least." I questioned. I was still in the dark.

"It's a surprise babe. I've told you before. Now come down stairs so we can get going."

"Fine." I growled and hung up.

I made my way to the apartment entrance and saw him parked in front. He was with Aubrey and E. I found that weird but didn't ask I just got in shot gun then we left. I understood why they said we leave early, it was quite a drive. We stopped several times. It was more like a road trip. We listen to music and sang a long. I fell asleep for like an hour. By the time I woke up it was dark. Luke handed me a blind fold and told me to put it on we were near the destination. I rolled my eyes but did it anyway. I wanted to be a team player and not ruin the surprise they worked hard for.

After like five minutes we stopped. I was tempted to take it off but resisted the urge. I heard everyone get out of the car then my door was opened and I was helped out. It smelled like the ocean. We walked for a little bit then a door was opened.

"You can take it off now"  Luke whispered in my ear.

I took it off and the first thing I could see were huge glass doors that showed the beach. I walked in a bit then turned to my right.

"SURPRISE!" People yelled in unison.

They popped out of nowhere. Or I just didn't notice them cause I was busy looking at the beach. I was startled and almost fell backwards. My heart was in my mouth. I laughed. The room, now that I looked at it was decorated in gold and black decorations. Balloons where scattered around. People wore patty hats like chaps. My friends where there, Luke's friends and some people I didn't know I just figured they wanted to party. There was corner filled with presents

I walked in and started greeting people making small talk. I don't think I've ever said thank you so many times in my life. The party went on I cut my three storey cake. They seriously went all out. I was happy but, I wish it was just a small party I really didn't like parties in the first place. But I didn't want to complain.

The night grew older and people where significantly drunk. A few times I couldn't find Luke. He kept disappearing for some reason. I just shrugged it off. I played cards with some guys then decided to go to the bathroom or something. I was starting to feel overwhelmed by the music and crowd.

I walked up the stairs deciding to just go chill up there for a minute. I walked down the hall and heard voices. Someone was giggling. I recognized that giggle from anywhere it was Aubrey. I heard a deep voice so I figured she was with Ethan. I walked to the end of the hall and opened the door. I left the door open so I could talk to Aubrey just incase she got out while I was up here. I looked out the window. I looked at the ocean beneath and the clear moon above. I watched the waves crashing on the shore. I couldn't hear it cause the windows were shut. I stayed there for awhile.

After a few minutes I heard the door open and Aubrey got out fixing her clothes. I rolled my eyes then made my way to her. Just then Luke got out be hind her. I froze. They hadn't seen me yet I guess cause I hadn't turned on the lights. She wrapped her hands around his neck. He pulled her for a kiss and when they parted she giggled.

"WHAT THE FUCK AUBREY?" I yelled at them.

They both snapped their heads towards me letting go of eachother. Their eyes widened. My heart was in my throat. My breathing increased. I was mad. My mind felt blank and all I did was stand there looking at them looking guilty. I had so many questions but they got stuck in my throat.

"Come on babe, don't be mad. We were just fooling around." Luke come close to me and reached out for me but I refused to be touched by him. He scoffed at me. "Come on, am your fated." He looked at me but I didn't speak I couldn't speak. I felt so stupid and hurt. "Really, what are going to do break up with me?" I looked at him. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a tear stream down my face.

I slowly backed up and closed the door locking it. They banged and called my name.

"Harry am sorry, please come out." I heard Aubrey shout.

I just sat on the edge of the bed with my elbows on my knees hands in my hair and I cried. How could she do this to me. I felt betrayed and like a hypocrite. Hadn't I done the same. But I never actually went that far. I sacrificed being with him for their sake and they do this to me.

After awhile I heard E talking to them asking them what's wrong and where they disappeared off to. They didn't answer. I got angry and opened the door. I looked at them. They looked at me in shock and Ethan looked puzzled.

"You're girlfriend was fucking my boyfriend in the mother fucking bathroom." I said.

His face evolved from confusion to shock. I walked passed all of them and heard him ask repeatedly if it was true. I went downstairs and walked thought the crowd. I made my way to the glass door then went to the beach.  Walked and walked not knowing where I was or where I was going. My legs started to shake and I dropped to my knees. I hugged myself and screamed at the ocean. I kept screaming until my throat got sore. I sat there letting the waves hit my feet. I was quite and watched the horizon listening to the night. My head was aching and I felt exhausted.

I heard someone coming I turned to see E with a concerned look on his face. He came over and sat next to me. Not saying anything.


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