Chapter 12

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I spent the time on the subway contemplating what to be for Halloween. I got weird looks from both of the people beside me since I'm a grown woman looking for adult costumes on pinterest. I glared at them until they looked away.

I walk as fast as I can without jogging, knowing that Sam is probably at my apartment by now. The security guard looks at me strangely; she's probably never seen me with a skip in my step before. Deciding to take the stairs, I arrive in my hallway, only to see a particularly odd sight in front of my door.

Sam is slouched against the wall by my door, breathing softly and evenly. His legs are splayed out in the hallway, arms at his sides. I snap a photo quickly for his contact picture, then nudge him with my foot.

He startles, shooting upwards. He looks around, momentarily confused, until his eyes land on my face.

He sighs. "Oh, yeah. I got here a while ago, and I waited for a few minutes, but I thought maybe I should sit down." He taps the shining floorboards. "These were way too comfortable. I fell asleep immediately."

I step around him, unlocking my door. He follows me inside and flops on my couch, resting again. I poke him with my finger.

"We're supposed to be getting me a costume. It's Halloween, remember?"

Sam groans, folding his arms over his eyes. "But me is soooo tired."

I roll my eyes. "You were so excited about trick or treating, and now you want to give up for some sleep? Come on, Sam. You're better than this."

Sam pulls his wrist up to eye level, checking the time. "Well, if we time it out, I can take an hour long nap and we can be trick or treating by eight."

He shuts his eyes again, reaching out blindly for me. I swat at his hand, moving away, but he grabs it and pulls me forward. Peeling his eyes open, Sam brings me down to the couch.

"Guess what happened today?" He looks at me like he really expects me to guess.


Sam pouts for a second, looking back on whatever happened, then bringing his attention back to me. "I worked extra hours this week to make sure I got this promotion, and my boss gave it to the new guy. He came in one year ago, and it took him three months to get the promotion I've been striving for for two years." He sighs again, squeezing his eyes shut while holding my hand.

I put pressure on his hand to let him know I'm here. "That really sucks. Your boss sounds like an idiot."

He laughs bitterly. "Yeah, it's fine. You want to go look for a costume?" I frown at how he reversed the subject from him to myself. "I guarantee all the good ones are gone."

"Okay. You don't want to sleep anymore?" I watch as he stands from my couch, walking to the door.

"Yes. A: I never get sleep anyway, and 2: costumes are way more important." He opens the door for me.

I roll my eyes. "You need to either say A and B, or 1 and 2. You're going to end up embarrassing yourself in front of the wrong person one of these days." I inwardly wince at how much I sounded like my mom.

Sam shrugs. "Me? Nah." He grins, ushering me out the door.

Minutes later, we arrive at a store that is dedicated completely to Halloween costumes and decorations. Sam pushes through the doors, sighing like he's just arrived home. He spins in a circle, arms outstretched.

"Ava, welcome to the most beautiful place in the world." He drops his arms, nodding respectfully at the woman behind the cash register. She waves at us, then proceeds to read a book in her lap.

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