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I know how it's going to end. Exactly how it will end. In a week or so, I will be staring at the screen in resignation, wondering how I could waste so much time on absolutely nothing instead of getting the job done. The job they pay me for. The job that puts bread on my table. The job that I once loved so much. Instead, I sit here, doing nothing. When I was young, I could read a book or sing a song. That, and get things done. Today, I can feed my brain empty calories. Look! There's a video from the Machine Head Tour. Shit, I need to see that. I can work afterwards. What?! It started in Copenhagen. I didn't know that. And DR has footage from KB Hallen! Unbelievable. Hang on, I simply have to get that album out now. I can listen to it while I work. Much better than surfing around like this. Let me see... D, D, D... Devo? That is wrong. They come after Deep Purple. Let me just put that back where it belongs. Nice album, though. I hum to myself, "Are we not men? We are Devo!"... Ha! Hilarious. Okay, here they go. Devo. But what is this, then? No name on the spine. I thought I knew all albums on sight. I step back and look. Yes, I can tell by the colour what each record is. I pinch at the spine of the anonymous album and drag it out. Die Toten Hosen? That's not... oooh, I borrowed that from my sister. I remember that. I better call her and tell her I have it. Must have been years. No, let me just listen to it before I call. She is probably at work right now, anyway. Like I am. Shit! I better get back to my computer. That memory leak doesn't go away by itself, and I promised them they could have the new version by next week. I put down the record and look at it. Cool cover, though. Mmhhh... is that Calypsol? Haven't seen that logo for decades. Let me just look that... ...up. Nope. No trace of them anymore. Perhaps... oh shit, what's he calling about now? As if I don't have enough on my plate already. They all just think they can offload all their trivial...

"Hi Matt... what? A macro. No, I'm sorry... I really don't have the time right now!"

...little jobs they might as well do themselves. If they'd bother to get off their arses. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. German punk.

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