Chapter two

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Disclaimer- All the characters belong to JK. Rowling.



Sirius Black was once again in the halls of Azkaban. He didn't need to open his eyes to know he was once again in the cold, dark corridors of Azkaban prison which have never known feelings of happiness. He was subconsciously moving to the cell he was occupying while he was a prisoner here. He opened the unchained, rusted door with a creak and entered the cell. He brought out his wand and muttered "Lumos." so he would have better luck at seeing what was inside the dirty cell. What he saw made his stomach drop. Harry James Potter, savior of the wizarding world, the boy who lived, the chosen one, was huddled in a fetal position trying to warm his body, but his efforts were futile as he continued to shiver.  "Harry?" Sirius questioned feeling his stomach churn as he saw his godson's face. He looked like a sack of bones; with his gaunt face, pale cheeks, and bones sticking in odd directions. He looked like he didn't have a good meal in years. Sirius looked at the boy's body and shivered. His arms and legs all had dried blood sticking to his black and white uniform. He looked over to the wounds that were turning purple because they were untreated.

Sirius averted his gaze from Harry, feeling if he looked at him a second longer, he would collapse from guilt. He looked around at the tiny cell which had his initials carved in them, "S.B" With beautiful calligraphy . Odd lines marked the lines of the cell. He fell to his knees when he realised what they were, Harry wanted to keep track of the date. Since there was nothing to carve with, Sirius was sure that Harry had used his finger nails. Dried blood marked its way from one of the lines. He tried to tell himself that it was not his fault, that the evidence was too much to ignore. But he couldn't stop feeling guilty over Harry's broken body.

He heard the noise of someone clicking their tongue and looked around to see if anyone else was present. "James?" he asked, uncertain. His old friend was wering a black shirt and trousers that made his honey brown eyes stand out. James stared at the broken body of his son and said, "Sirius what have you done to my son? My little Proglet?" He asked grief masking his features. James looked at his oldest friend and said, "Sirius, I chose you to be his godfather so that he could be safe and Happy. He is neither. Instead I see him broken. What have you done? You killed him. You killed his will to live. You took away his last hope and he was innocent all along. First you left him with those monsters." Raged James. "Then you let them take him to this dump. They took my son away like some type of animal! You burned the last connection he had of us!" Shouted James. With every word he spoke Sirius had been sinking to the floor with guilt and sadness.

"You know better than anyone what being framed is like. At least you had your animagus power  to hide through and the love and friendship my son never got to have. My son. My last connection to this world has nothing because of you!" He shouted. James was looking down at his son's frail form, unable to do anything to comfort his son.

Another person entered Sirius's field of vision. He looked up to see a younger version of James, wearing black denim pants and a black hoodie. This version of Harry was a lot more handsome than the small body that occupied the cell. His emerald green eyes shot to see Sirius Black. "Harry?" he asked. 'It couldn't  be' he thought. This Harry looked much better, with his face full of color and light muscles toning his body. His hair as messy as ever sparkled in the moonlight. "Black! This is what I would have looked like have you done your job properly!" Shouted the new Harry. "Instead, you let them drag me into this hell without ever giving me the benefit of the doubt. You burned the last connection I had to my parents!" He shouted as he took out a pile of ash from his black pockets and let them slide throught his hands to fall on the dirty ground.

Sirius had tears runnning down his eyes as he  looked at the ashes falling through the boy's hand. "Do you remember when I begged you to stop? Do you remember when I cried as I held on to the cinders? Do you rememeber when you severed our connection with one lazy flick of your hand?" He started to laugh. "You took away the happy childhood that I could have had. You see those eyes." He pointed to the broken Harry still in his futile position. He lazily opened his eyes as he allowed him to look through the miserable green orbs. Those eyes which were once so expressive and filled with light, were now hateful and dead, just like him.

"people say that pain made me stronger, when I shouldn't have been strong. I was just a child. A child who wanted a mother to love him. A child who wanted a father to spoil him and make him a man. A child that wanted friends that believed in him. A child that has gone throught so much in his short and miserable life." He whispered the last sentence as if it pained him to say it. But Harry was not finished talking.

"Those eys which could have been so full of life and light are now filled with sadness and depression. And it's all your fault!" He shouted at his godfather. The Harry that was on the dirty floor looked up and whispered in a cracked voice: "All your fault." They kept on repeating the words as if they were a mantra that couldn't be skipped.

Sirius Black woke up drenched in sweat from his latest nightmare. He looked at the time and sighed 2 A.M

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