Chapter Six

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Disclaimer- All the characters belong to JK. Rowling



 Albus Dumbledore; headmaster of Hogwarts, supreme mugwump, chief warlock in all his glory was standing in a bedroom in 12 Grimmauld place; the Black ancestral home looking at a boy he had broken. Of course, Dumbledore didn't mean it but the evidence was too much to ignore. Harry James Potter, was standing like a statue in the middle of the room not really looking at anything except the heavily carpeted floor. Sirius entered the room and said, "The healers are coming soon. I also told them to bring a mind healer. He doesn't seem to be in the same condition now." Whispered Sirius bowing his head. Behind him entered Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley who asked, "Has he said anything while we were gone?" Dumbledore looked at them and sadly shook his head. "No, I am afraid he hasn't" He whispered in a grim tone. They continued to watch the broken boy in front of them, waiting for him to make a move. Sirius meanwhile, was deep in his brain thinking what he could do to fix his godson.

He looked at his hair and sighed. It was going to take a lot to fix Harry. His hair had gone from raven-black to half gray in just a year. The prison has taken its toll on him. He wished desperately to see those pearly white teeth smiling at his again with fondness. He looked at his broken and battered body. He had endured a lot, more than he himself did. he didn't have an animagus form to hide in and had less fewer happy memories. He had seen a lot in his short life and all those awful memories were replayed again and again until today. he was probably subconsciously waiting for the pain to begin. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he saw Harry move.

But what they saw next was what shocked all of them. Harry James Potter moved his feet one step. Another. And another. His knees started to wobble but no one in the room wanted to help him for fear of him freaking out. He fell on his hands and knees and started to crawl to the corner of the room. When they saw where he was headed all hope of regaining their Harry was diminished, all except for Hermione granger. She was the only one in the small crowd that dared to ask the question. 

"Why is that not a good thing. He started moving on his own." She declared like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ron turned towards her and said, "In his cell, they said that after a few months he started to stop yelling and moved to the corner of the room. He never spoke again and he never moved from the darkness of the corner." Hermione nodded her head in understanding as guilt tore at her heart. They watched silently as Harry reached the desired corner and curl in a ball hiding his head between his legs and rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. Sirius' heart felt like it was torn in half when he heard his surrogate son chant, "Stop, it hurts. Please. Mom. Dad. Please come back." But that simple sentence was able to pull the heartstrings of those present including professor McGonagall and Bill and Charlie Weasley.

They heard a third unwanted party clear their throats and looked to the door to see three healers dressed in red For emergency healing and one wearing white for mind healing. Mrs. Weasley was the first one to snap out of her reverie and said, "Ok everyone out." At her order all the junior members exited the room, leaving only McGonagall, Dumbledore and Sirius to watch the scars of the boy they have condemned to hell on earth.

They banished his clothes and saw scras that made even the healers grimace. They started healing him telling them of his wounds. They found 3 identical scars on his wrists that would live a scar. "These are from suicide attempts. They are quite old so he must have tried them probably on the first week of his imprisonement. I don't know who stopped him though." Said the female healer, whose name they learned now was Cynthia. She was a young healer probably in her early twenties. 

She mended his broken bones but said she couldn't heal the scars on his face. She stiched them and mended them with her wand a bit. They now had a nie warm glow and his face had regained some of it's color. His rotten teeth were now as white as they once were, but they were afraid they were never going to see them.

The healer handed them a document with all his injuries and they marveled at how he didn't scream as some of his wounds were harder and would have hurt a normal person. They looked at the frail form on the floor of the bed room, now in clean clothes and once again wearing his glasses. He wished he could yank it from his face and throw it out the window, since he didn't need them anymore but he couldn't be out of character when the dark lord would come. He wanted to throw them the nastiest dark spell he knew but he had to be a bit more patient on his plan for revenge.

The mind healer took the place of the emergency healer and placed his fore fingers on his temples. Harry imediately started screaming alerting the healer that there was something wrong. "Normal patients from Azkaban do not act like this. But then again he is just sixteen." The healer glared at those present while they flinched under his gaze. They bowed their heads and listened to what the healer had to say. They looked at Harry and saw his lifeless eyes, misty with unshed tears and heavy with the weight of the world. The healer once again put his hands on his temple and started muttering incantations. "I used Occulumency on him." He stated simply.

"His mind is rotten. As you know all people have something they imagine to be in their heads. For some it can be the beach, freshly mowed grass. For some it can even be the clouds or the sky. His is dark, dark and angry." He whispered with fear. "I can sense it, he is as angry as can be. He is dangerous. Perhaps it's for the best that he doesn't recognise anything." Sirius gasped and said, "How can you say its for the best. That boy there is broken and you are saying there's nothing we can do!" He yelled at the middle-aged man. "Well, the best you can do is talkm to him and remind him of who you are. Take him to the place he feels most at home. Give him something that has a lot of meaning to him." The healer moved out of the room followed by the younger ones that treated Harry's injuries.

Sirius broke down crying and left the room, tears streaming from his eyes. No one saw Sirius for a few hours after that.

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