New School

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"Mom...If you don't wake up I'm going to be late"
It is my first day of school and I didn't want to be the girl who is late on the first day.I moved here from a little town where I call little valley.Well anyway, I'm going to A.V.S. Middle School. When I read the handbook it seemed like a pretty good school,but maybe their all lies covered up in fake goodness. Nevertheless, I will find out today.
"Mom... you up yet"I said with the loudest voice I got."Yeah I'm up you shouldn't wake me up so early"she said that with a whiny voice. "Do you even know what time it is. It's like 7:45. You should get used to me going to school!!"

"Fine,Juliet you should be thankful that I'm a fast changer." She finally walked down the stairs. We went to the car my mom also got in the car and we drove off.

I got to my school and it was huge. A school this big must be easy to get lost in.I entered the school and followed my map  to get to the office. After I was done I went to my first class and introduced myself to the class. It was embarrassing but I managed. I sat down next a boy named Michael.
He said I could call him micky. We became friends right away. I can't believe that I became friends with someone on the first day of school. "(Thinking) hmm, maybe this school won't be that bad."




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