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✨☁️~~~~~~~~~~( ˘ ³˘)♥︎~~~~~~~~☁️✨

Today you were off work which left plenty of time for littlespace. You were in your playroom playing toys as bakugou came in to ask you something. "baby whatcha wanna do today?" He said in a soft tone unlike he did to others. "I dunno yet" you said and continued playing. "What about we eat first and get a Bath then we figure out."

He had you at food you were in his arms in a matter of seconds. "Hi mommy!" You said as you saw Mina first. "Hi baby" she said kissing your nose, "what about me!" Kiri
and sero said with a pout. You ran over and jumped in there laps as soon as he set you down. "I'd never forget you daddy and papi" you said kissing there cheeks. "So how did you sleep with the new formula?" He said referring to another angel milk recipe. "It was nice papi" you said resting your head on kirishima shoulder. "What did I miss?" Denki said coming out of the living room. "Hi chu chu!" You said and kissed his cheek.

You guys ate breakfast then agreed on a movie at you all were stressed form work and needed time to relax. It was kirishima and minas job to bathe you today. "Baby your bath is ready!" Mina called. Kirishima set you down gently and went to put your fave towel comfy clothes and blankie in the dryer so it'd be warm when you get out.

Mina washed your face shoulders and upper front. Then Kiri came and washed your back your adorable bottom and you special spots. Mina went to get your towel as kiri let out your bath water "bye bye bubbles!" You waved bye at them as they disappeared. "Ok baby we have a surprise for you but it's not done yet!"

Mina exclaimed wrapping you in your towel kiri gave her a look of confusion. Mina sighed in agitation and nodded towards the living room. Kirishima gave an oh look back and took you to your nursery to get you ready. He already had a diaper and adorable little gear for you. "Baby be still so I can put your clothes on"

(Change colors however you like and I might use this for a little space story mirko and hawks x reader idk)

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(Change colors however you like and I might use this for a little space story mirko and hawks x reader idk)

"Ty daddy" you said taking your plushie from him. "Close your eyes hun"he said picking you up and heading to the living room. "What is it?" You said eyes closed. "You'll see" he set you down in the blanket fort they made for a movie day you still weren't allowed to open your eyes yet though. "Is this dada hands?" You could tell from how big bakugou hands were as he hugged your waste

he was tired from taking forever to put up the fort. "Yes baby it is me now lay down so we can cuddle brat" he said tickling your sides letting you fall gently on the padded floor. You haven't really noticed the fort until sero mentioned it "so how do you like it baby?" You finally looked at all the pillows blankets fairy lights and snacks Mina and denki prepared including a tiny mini fridge and popcorn machine.

 You haven't really noticed the fort until sero mentioned it "so how do you like it baby?" You finally looked at all the pillows blankets fairy lights and snacks Mina and denki prepared including a tiny mini fridge and popcorn machine

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(I'm guessing it'd look something like that)

You ate sang with songs from the Movies danced even! today was perfect. "Daddy wake up movie not over!" You said poking kirishima cheeks "few more minutes baby" it was WAY past you guys usual sleep routine "honey let him sleep said Mina playing with your poofy hair "mommy stob it!" You said whining while taking you bottle bottle out. "Maybe we should go to sleep Y/N?" Said denki yawning cuddling sero and kiri even more. "But I not-" you cut yourself off with your own yawn. "Sleepy!" They all shook they're head in disbelief "I think we really should go to sleep" said bakugou picking you up and heading to your nursery. "Nooo!" You said wiggling trying to get out his grasp. "You'll be fine hun plus we've all got work tomorrow!" He headed to your bathroom to help you brush your teeth. "Okay fruit punch or bubblegum baby"you pointed to (whichever ever you choose) he called in denki to come out you in your crib seeing everyone were pretty much dead sleep. "K buzzy beautiful sunshine nugget want the pikachu ones?" he said grabbing your gear. "Chu chu!" You said squealing with happiness.

(Outfit can be for any body type but it was all I could find)

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(Outfit can be for any body type but it was all I could find)

"Okay wait here while I go make you angels milk honey" he said walking to the kitchen. He came back with your sippy full of angels milk. "Ok here's your bottle and your blankie." He tucked you in propped you bottle while you drifted to sleep also kissing you forehead and wishing you good night.

   ♡︎༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ♡︎
818 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2020 ⏰

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