Chapter 8

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Third person pov.

As the three were walking it felt like it'd been forever, it was hard trying to find their way around this building. And where Lloyds stuff was, god this is gonna take forever. Garmadon might find us, we have to be cautious about this. But luckily they had Harumi to help. After all she knows her way around here. Walking around a corner they immediately went back, hiding. Cause A Guard with The same Sons Of Garmadon uniform As Echo was wearing. They looked like they were coming their way.

Lloyd pov.

God please don't see us..Please don't see us, he thought continuously saying that to himself getting abit stressed. He was about to look over but stopped himself, not wanting to get caught.

Harumi pov.

Lloyds looking stressed....But i can't blame him, if Garmadon finds me with him...Im done for. She thought as she pulled Lloyd abit closer to her, caressing his cheek. As she looked at the wall facing them.

Lloyd pov.

Being pulled closer to Harumi he was startled, but when she started caressing my cheek my eyes widened. As his cheeks slowly turned a bright pink colour, but i just smiled.

Third person pov.

A minute later we were all creeping down the halls of Borgs Tower, trying not to get caught. Harumi was leading us- as she knows this place more then any of us. As she was Garmadons 'Daughter' god why'd that have to happen? They found the control room and slowly walked into it. Lloyd kicked the guard in the head, making him pass out "Ouch...Thats gonna hurt in the morning". He mumbled as he watched as Harumi tried to override the controls for the cameras. A couple minutes later she was finally done, the cameras now shut down. All of them were now feeling better, especially Lloyd. He didn't want his Father knowing he escaped Krypterium Prison, he wondered what the consequences would be. They now were roaming the halls, trying to find the room Lloyds stuff were in. Awhile later they swiftly picked a lock and slowly walked into the new room, investigating it. They were all looking for The Green Ninjas stuff. But Echo found a box "Guys!" he whispered calling them over, them doing so. Harumi looked over his shoulder at the black locked box, having The Sons Of Garmadon logo on it. Her rolling her eyes once she saw it. Lloyd was looking around for a key, it wasn't going so well though. Harumi went to help as Echo was trying to pick the lock. It took some time and Lloyd sat down on the chair in the room "They wouldn't have the key in here". He said exhausted "Some guard must have it" Looking over to Lloyd she sighs "Yeah im pretty sure they do-....wait" Harumi stops herself. Reaching down into her pockets, a couple seconds passed but she lifted out The Exact Key They needed. A smile of joy appeared on Lloyds face as he instantly stood up, walking over to the box Harumi was already at. Harumi put the key in the hole and twisted it around, when it opened a smile appeared on her face. "Tadaaa~" she cooed and Lloyd snickered, reaching as he grabbed his stuff. Then Echo spoke standing up "Get your stuff quick, don't know how long it'll take until Garmadon senses you again".

After a couple minutes Lloyd spoke.

"Im Ready".


Word count:579

Hey Guys Its La-Lloyd!!
I finally did it!!
I finally finishing Chapter 8! Tbh i thought i wouldn't, thought I'd have to discontinue it lol.
But absolutely not! As usual i don't have much to say other than, i hope you like it!

Anyway, Bye Ninjas!!


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