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     Lena was used to falling. Falling for her family's lies, turning her ankles and falling when she was first learning to walk in heels, and even occasionally falling off her balcony (though Supergirl was always there to catch her), but this kind of falling was new. Lena Keiran Luthor has fallen in love with her best friend.

How could she not when she sees the pure joy on Kara's face as they walk through the park and she makes sure to jump on every crunchy leaf she can find. The smile she throws over her shoulder at Lena never ceased to make her melt and fall just a little bit more. But as much as she loved seeing Kara like this, the air was just a little bit too cold for her liking, and the sweater she had chosen for their walk was meant more for fashion than for comfort. Lena wrapped her arms tighter around herself and tried to suppress a shiver as a particularly cold gust of wind hit, but Kara still seemed to notice and Lena saw the concern flash across her face.

Kara opened her mouth to say something, probably apologize, but Lena got to it first, "I'm fine Kara, really. It's just a bit colder than I was expecting, but there's a coffee cart just a little bit farther and I can grab a cup to warm me up."

Kara's brow creased in thought, and then she was taking off her coat, "That's too far and you're cold now," she reached her arms around Lena and draped the coat over her shoulders, her hands smoothing down the lapels, "There, much better. It is better, right?"

Lena softened, her senses becoming overwhelmed by Kara. "It's perfect darling, thank you."

A goofy grin broke across Kara's face and Lena had to suppress a laugh. So what if she used that pet name on purpose just to get that reaction from Kara, she was only human after all. But what Lena wasn't prepared for was when Kara's hand brushed the side of her face and then slid into her hair. This time she couldn't control the shiver.

"Sorry," Kara's voice was soft as she pulled her hand back, "you had a leaf in your hair." Sure enough, Kara had a red leaf in her hand, and her eyebrow crease was back. "Lena, you're shivering even more now, are you sick?"

Lena shook her head, trying to keep herself composed, "No, I just think I'm ready for that coffee now."

Kara nodded in understanding. "I'm gonna go run and grab some for us and I'll meet you over there, okay?" Kara smoothed down the lapels of her jacket one more time, almost like she was thinking, and before Lena could register what was happening there was a featherlight press of lips to her cheek and then Kara was jogging away.

This time it was Lena's turn to grin like a fool as she tightened Kara's jacket around herself and followed after her. Maybe this kind of falling wasn't so bad, because like always, Supergirl would be there to catch her.

you would find her in a polaroid pictureWhere stories live. Discover now