𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑠𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟. 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐈: 𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨

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Disclaimer: I changed Five's age from 13 to 17, as well as the amount of time he spent in the future in order to make the mental age difference and his physical age less weird for the relationship

𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐆𝐄 of seventeen, Valerie wished she could say that she was a normal teenager. But, she couldn't.

She had grown up in a rather secluded environment for most of her life; her parents wanted no one—not even her extended family—to know of her existence. For the first eleven years of her life, Valerie was alone.

Day and night, she'd sit in her room, quietly keeping to herself. She'd pass the time by reading, playing her beloved piano, or putting her jittery feet to work around the hardwood floor.

She knew why she wasn't allowed to be seen by others; she was different from the others; she was unusual. That was what her parents had told her when she had first asked at the age of four, and every time after that. It didn't take long for her to realize what exactly was weird about her.

Valerie was a speedster.

Running was an experience like no other for her. The limited time she was allowed out in the backyard was all spent on running, one foot in front of the other as she circled the lawn and blew past the garden.

Eventually, her parents became fed up with her. The amount of pestering and nagging they received along with the volume of rebelliousness in her increased by the day, and they were completely done with it. So what did they do?

They sent her away. Forever. To the Umbrella Academy.

The once Valerie Jung then became Valerie Hargreeves. With that family, she wasn't different, nor unusual. There, she could finally be free.

Well, as free as their father had let her be, at least.

She trained hard to get control over her speed and soon discovered, with the help of her new father, what other capabilities she possessed.

Not only what other capabilities she possessed, but the additional things that came with it. Due to the fact that her mind raced faster beyond what was humanly possible, she was able to process things a lot faster, therefore making her attention span the size of a peanut.

And, sure, the ADHD sucked, but she could think at superhuman speed; heal at an accelerated rate; and had an accelerated body, so that she gained muscle quicker and had better agility, reflexes, stamina, and endurance than any other normal child.

Although, the children of the Umbrella Academy weren't normal ones.

Now, the other six children who bore extraordinary abilities didn't share their gifts with one another, each power unique and special in its own way.

First, there was Number One. Luther was a blond boy with charming looks, whose skinny body would astound you if you were to see the strength he possessed. That boy could lift whatever he wanted, no matter how heavy.

Number Two was Diego, whose tough appearance matched his personality quite fittingly. He had perfect aim; no matter what he threw, whether it be knives, pencils, or pillows, he could hit whatever he wanted, no matter how far away. Valerie's fallen victim to many crumpled pieces of paper to the back of the head.

Allison was Number Three. She was the only other girl who was gifted with powers, so she and Valerie were quite close. She could manipulate anyone as long as she simply started her command with the phrase 'I heard a rumour . . .' and with that, had complete ownership of anyone's further actions.

Number Four was Klaus. Though his goofy character and constant giggling would make one think otherwise, his power was the gloomiest of all—the power to commune with the dead. Although, this didn't make to be so useful when fighting on missions, where he had to rely on his physical strength and reflexes.

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