Edge and papyrus

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Papyrus was humming a bit as he worked with edge, surprisingly enough, edge decided to work part time in the same library as papyrus, but edge did work as some kind of law enforcer, papyrus wasn't sure which one, like was edge a policeman? Or was it military, or maybe a patrol agent or something?

Edge never said what he was on that job of is, but it didn't matter much, as long as edge was happy at doing it and safe while doing it, which is likely as edge is a good sparring partner, then it will be fine.

"Here." Edge handed two more books to papyrus who took them and looked them over with a hum before lighting up a bit, "oh! Thank you edge, I've been looking for these two books."

Edge huffed a bit, "yeah, yeah...they were on the wrong shelf as someone else put them there..."

Papyrus blinked a few times, "oh? Were you looking for them the entire time after I mentioned I was missing these two books since this morning? Oh edge, you didn't have to, I would have found them eventually."

Edge just crossed his arms, "the great and terrible edge has done no such thing."

Edge turned his head away from papyrus but papyrus noticed a small blush on his face from what seemed to be either embarrassment or perhaps some hint of shyness?

Papyrus just smiled, "well thank you anyways edge, this saves us plenty enough time to do other things before we can head out."

Edge just huffed, his shoulders relaxing slightly, papyrus understood though, edge was just being what he thought was a decent friend, but edge must have been looking for at least three hours, since he only mentioned it three hours ago and papyrus didn't see edge after that til now.

But he's grateful that edge looked, that means they were friends! Them sparring with each other so much really paid off!

Papyrus knew he could befriend anyone as long as he was determined and stubborn enough to do so.

Which he is, and sparring with edge really let them understand each other more.

That's what papyrus believes anyways, it's how he understands undyne so much! They spare a lot as well as some of the others and it was great.

"Want to read a book in between as we keep an eye on things?" Papyrus mentioned, edge turning his head back to face papyrus.

"What kinds of books?" Edge asked, arms still crossed.

Papyrus perked up, he's got some books that edge might be interested in reading, "hold on let me go grab a few so you can choose from, I figure you might enjoy them."

Papyrus turned and headed back to the desk he usually sat at while watching over the library and started going through the books as edge followed him.

Papyrus pulled three books out and handed them to edge who looked at the cover, one was titled The Art of War by Sun Tzu, the other book having the  title of, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and the third book, seemed more a bit different, the title being, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Edge blinked a few times at the titles before shrugging it off and sat down in his own chair to start reading.

Papyrus just smiled, well let's see which one's edge would like more when he finishes reading.

Papyrus went back to his own reading, checking the front entrance and other areas every now and then.

He just hummed a bit as he noticed edge looked very interested in one of the books, papyrus didn't check which one. He looked away a few seconds later to just read himself...

Finished with 707 words. Thank you for those who answered my question on my conversation board! Even though not many of you did, but I only like posted it like what..an hour or two ago? Most of you are probably busy or something.

But I was just trying to see what book to include for what papyrus handed to edge to read.

I couldn't figure it out, but it finally hit me after reading what your responses were. Lol sorry I didn't chose Harry Potter or any others that were mentioned, I wanted it to be more different or something. Something that would catch his attention a bit more or so, I would have chosen Harry Potter but I wasn't sure, like on certain parts I feel edge would be like, what!? The game ended just because he caught this little gotten fly!? Or something like that.

With the lord of the rings, I'm not too sure but I feel like he would be like, what there's only five who can use magic!?

And stuff like that, edge will eventually read Harry Potter, don't worry about that. That will be for later lol.

But thanks for responding! I was a little impatient because I wanted to update this today and not tomorrow lol, sorry about that.


Ja ne~!

Undertale characters, sans, papyrus, mettaton, alphys, asgore, chara, undyne, toriel, frisk, flowey/asriel

Undertale, papyrus, sans
Underfell, sans/red, papyrus/edge
Underswap, sans/blue, papyrus/orange
Swapfell, sans/blackberry, papyrus/purple
Fellswap, sans/fell, papyrus/gold
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/star
Horrortale, sans/horror/Mars, papyrus/sweets
Dusttale, sans/dust, papyrus/phantom
Abysstale, sans/abyss, papyrus/void

Later on-
Mercyplates, sans/unknown, papyrus/unknown, Gaster/ unknown
Aftertale, sans/geno
Reapertale, sans/reaper, papyrus/grim

Later on-Mercyplates, sans/unknown, papyrus/unknown, Gaster/ unknownAftertale, sans/genoReapertale, sans/reaper, papyrus/grim

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Great idea! :)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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