The Other Side

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~June 13th, 1811 , 8 : 57 AM~

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I stopped breathing. Minutes later, I was dead.

Finally, the cold, clammy hands of death took me.

Everything was black but I felt a small sense of consciousness. My sense of touch returned and I felt cloud under me. I soon heard babbling and felt a small body climbing on top of me. I opened my eyes and gasped. Maria (or just Mar). I hugged her. My daughter, my beautiful baby girl. She had died at a mere two years old of measles, only months earlier.

 "Mama!" She babbled. "It's me, love. It's me." I said. Soon, a blonde man walked towards me. "Are you Alexander Hamilton's daughter?" He questioned. I mumbled a yes. "Wendy, right?" I nodded, holding my daughter closer.

 "I'm John Laurens, your father's old friend." I laughed. "No need to lie, Mr.Laurens. I've seen the letters." "Oh." He laughed. "Also just call me John."

 I nodded. "Papa!" I heard a girl say. She soon appeared in front of us, wearing a white nightgown. "Oh....who's this?" She asked.

 "Well, Josie, this is Wendy. Wendy, this is my daughter, Josephine. Or just Josie."

She waved at me and I waved back. "Well look who it is, all grown up!" A voice exclaimed. I looked over my shoulder to see Anna Reynolds, one of two half-sisters on my mom side. I had only ever met Anna once when I was eight. I learnt what happened to her when my birth mother and Susan came to visit me after Mar died. She had died when she was only fifteen of a seizure in 1801.

I set Mar next to me and she ran over to Anna. I guess she had managed to win my daughter's favor in the afterlife. Though, Mar was a very easy toddler to appease. Me and Anna did some catching up before she skipped off with Mar. Where? I don't know. But either way, I now know I'm not the only lesbian in my family.

 "You know, there's somebody who really wants to see you again." John informed me, breaking the short lasted silence. "Who?" I asked. "May I lead the way?" He asked. I nodded, got up and linked arms with him. My father hardly ever talked about him so I only knew his name and the fact that he was my dad's "best friend".

Along the way, we were stopped by two people. I gasped. "Philip? Auntie Peggy?" I exclaimed, hugging them both. "It's been a while, hasn't it?" Philip said.

I giggled and nodded. "That makes two Hamilton's who died at nineteen." I joked. Aunt Peggy then took my hand in hers. "I missed you Wendy." She said, hugging me. "I missed you to." I say. John cleared his throat. "My apologies Philip and Mrs.Van Rensselaer, but I need to take Wendy to the person who wants to see her again."

They nodded and me and John continued our so-called tour thing. I looked at my feet the entire time we were walking. "Here he is!"

 I blinked and looked up to see myself face to face with a red-headed man with violet blue eyes and several freckles lacing his face.

My father.

"Are you sure this is the right guy?" I asked John skeptically. He nodded his head. "Yes, this is you're father."

"Please, I'm the last person he wants to see."

 "Wendy, will you listen to-" My father was cut off.

 "Alexander, leave the poor girl alone. I don't blame her for not trusting you." 

 "Auntie Bella!" I yelled, running towards the woman. We hugged one another. "It's been so long!" She said. "Look at you Wendy! A beautiful young lady!" I smiled at the compliment. Auntie Bella soon began leading me away from papa.

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