Chapter 7

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A/N: As soon as I post this chapter, I'm going to post a part that discusses the future of this story, so please be sure to read it. Anyways, enjoy Chapter 7!

Sabre yelled as the ground rushed up to meet him. Just a moment ago, he had been sprinting towards the staircase when the ground beneath his feet evaporated into thin air. The resulting impact with the ground resulted in him losing several hearts. His real heart was racing as he regained his bearings. Falling from a height this tall was always nerve racking in normal Minecraft on the PC, but in VR, the experience was ten times worse because it tricked the player into thinking that they were actually falling.

He looked up, noticing Galaxy Steve, Blue Steve, and Mind Steve all hovering in the air. Seeing Mind Steve flying was surprising because out of the original colored Steves, he had only previously seen Red, Blue, and Green Steves have the ability to fly. He searched for Purple Steve and Yellow Steve, spotting the two on the ground battling their respective targets. Because of Steves' ability to not take fall damage, they must not have been shaken by the fall and got right to attacking their opponents.

Purple Steve spared a glance in Sabre's direction. "Go, Sabre!"

Sabre took off, heading away from the battle before hiding in the shade of a building. "Sorry that I haven't been commentating," he apologized to the viewers he knew would be watching in the future. "There's just been so much going on and so many Steves surrounding me. Only Rainbow Steve knows about me making YouTube videos for you all, the Sky People. If I tried narrating, they would have thought that I was crazy, just like what happened earlier in Blue Steve's office when I pointed out that Purple Steve talks in chat."

"I really wish that I could just stand around and watch this fight like I usually do. Whenever Steves fight like this, I'm there most of the time only for moral support because there's nothing else for me to do. But now, I actually have a job, and a really important one at that. Of course I get one when a really epic battle between several Steves occurs." He peered around the corner of the building, noticing the results already being produced by the chaotic battle. "Looks like there's slime, probably Plague Steve's doing. The water's Blue Steve. Obsidian... is that what Galaxy Steve can do?! He didn't ever explain his powers after he got his memories back."

Sabre shook his head slightly. "No, I need to get back on track. I have to be focused on destroying the Plague Shrine." He surveyed the town while also trying to remember the layout he noticed when first approaching Stevetopia. "From what I can recall, Stevetopia has tall watchtowers in each of the four corners of the walls. Maybe I'll be able to see the Plague Shrine from there."

Sabre looked around and was just barely able to see the parapets of the walls peeking over the buildings. He ran in that direction, making his way past the terrified Steves of the town hanging out in the pathways, all of them unsure if they should get out of the town or help defeat the intruders. Eventually, the town walls came into view, towering over the player rushing towards them.

Sabre finally made it to the base of the wall closest to him. He stopped for a moment and observed the area around him. "It looks like the closest watchtower to me is the one on the right." He ran in that direction, making it to the watchtower and running up the spiral staircase inside. Once he made it to the top, he scanned the horizon, looking for any sign of mossy cobblestone or bright green slime.

"If only Optifine was compatible with VR," Sabre sighed. "It would make it so much easier to spot the shrine from a distance." He surveyed the land for a small bit longer before coming to the conclusion that the Plague Shrine wasn't on this side of the town. He turned around and ran across the wall to the next tower, observing the land out on that side. Sabre groaned, not seeing anything for the second time. "Next tower!" he exclaimed, running along the next wall-walk.

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