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'love could be blissful and heavenly if we learn to love the imperfect being perfectly'


I pull into the driveway, off the ignition and stay put in the car for a while. The feeling growing in my groin is unexplainable. I am not drunk cause I purposely avoided consuming large quantity of alcohol in the party.

The funny sensation below my groin and a slight headache that won't go away is making my vision go wild. I wish I could just be with my wife for a split second.

I throw my head back in the seat and close my eyes for a few second inhaling slowly as I try to contain my emotions and put it in check. When will I come home and meet a warm open arms stretch out for me? I guess that will happen only in my dreams. I need things to go back to the way it was before we drifted apart and turn into strangers.

It's funny how two person in love can easily and effortlessly turn into strangers overnight and unable to withstand each other presence. If someone ever told me that this will happen with me and Lauren, I would have laugh the person to scorn.

But look at us now, we are far from redemption. I got tired of thinking and step out of the car, lock it and move to the front door. The porch light shine on me vehemently and I blink at it brightness that increases the aching in my head but something else got my mouth open in a mixture of shock and surprise.

 The dilemma in front of me diminishes the blasting aching in my head for a while. I look downward.

Damn! I have a boner.

My trouser seems to be stretch beyond limit as it appear it might get torn open anytime soon. I have never gotten this hard before.

I rub my forehead to ease the assaulting headache that return in full gear. I try desperately to arrange my trouser properly before unlocking the door.

The living room is swallow up in darkness as I step in wandering around for the light switch but a sudden click of switch spring light in every corners of the living room.

I got startle when I see Lauren standing few inches from me with her hands cross over her chest.

"And where are you coming from at this time of the night Mr husband man?"

Lauren voice echo out in the lonely living room colly.

Is she seriously questioning my movement when she can spend a night outside partying or clubbing which I dare not say word or I will be tag 'obsessed'.

I let out a deep breathe and walk toward the stairs instead ignoring her ranting as she run towards me still hurling words at me.

"You lie! You will answer every damn thing I ask you before those two left legs of yours rest on any stairs" Lauren pull me back by my arms roughly.

"Please madam, I am not feeling too good to start a fight with you this night. All I need is a good sleep" I push my hand out of her grip.

"You went to be with her, right? You don't have shame Nick, If you can't get a bit of shame at least go and borrow it because you are pathetic cheating liar!" She yell out which I'm sure the whole neighborhood probably heard her.

Who is this woman in front of me? Who is she? I plant my hands inside my pocket and stare deeply at her with concerns.

"Must all my going out ball down to me hanging out with a woman? If you were doing your duties as a wife, all these doubts in your heart won't be there" I lashed out

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