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'The sun setting on an unresolved jealousy and anger becomes a spoiler of good deeds and intentions with it only aim as destructions'



What is she doing here?

My neck refuse to rotate to it original position as I fix gaze with Lauren demanding an explanation for showing her presence at such an important meeting of my life. I wish she knew how crucial this contract mean to me.

She flashes a smirk and sashays to our table pulling the empty chair out and settle her body on it.

The men gave themselves a look before drifting it to me in a questioning stares.

I was about to explain myself when Lauren beat me to it.

"Nice to meet you gentlemen, I'm sorry to walk in unannounced. I was around the place when I sighted Nick. Pardon my manners, I am Mr Walter's wife" Lauren shine her teeth devilishly while I narrow my eyes at her.

I pull her by the hand gently till her face is leaning into mine "What are you doing?" I whisper, sending a small smile to the men in front of me.

They nodded impatiently back to me, I could see they had other things to do than wait and watch Lauren put up a show.

"Let go of me! You're hurting me" Lauren decides to yell out mimicking a crying voice to the hearing of everyone and the people around us which was an act of hers.

I puff out hot air and lower my head in shame letting go of her arms. What is going on with her?

"Is everything okay, Mr Walter?" Mr Sam asked drumming on the table eagerly while Mr Thomas takes a sip from his glass of wine clearly not fancying the little play down in front of him.

"Yes, I am very sorry for the interruption" I face them and turn to Lauren "Can I have a word with you outside, please?" I say with gritted teeth pointing to the door with my eyes.

I was on my feet before I finish the last sentence.

"I didn't come to see you, Nick" Lauren replied and focus on the men as she had a pitiful look on her face. She is definitely up to something. I twist and whirls around uncomfortably running my hand through my hair.

"Then why are you here?" I asked losing every bit of patient in me. For goodness sake, this mustn't go wrong in any way.
She ignore me and clear her throat about to say a word but I interject making her growl my way.

"Can we talk privately please?" I asked calmly.

She turn away quickly.

"Gentlemen, I will advise you to take what I'm about to say to heart, rethink this contract you're about to offer to my husband carefully" Lauren voice out with a convincing sober voice that even I could fall for if I didn't know how manipulative she is, my entire feature drop into a sudden shock of realization.

I have put in a lot of work to lose this contract.

"What? Lauren! What is wrong with you?" I breathe out feeling my chest race faster than normal.

'She is doing this to get back at you for not heeding to her demand' my inner voice rings out in my head

"Please, I'm truly sorry for all these, my wife is a bit unwell" I told the men as they both glance at each other shaking their head. I couldn't tell what the meaning of the head shake was but I sure wouldn't stand by and let Lauren ruin this chance for me.

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