Hello Gravity Falls!

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Hey guys! So, I just finished watching Gravity Falls for the first time, and wow! Roller coaster ride or what? So I'm new to the fandom! I've been looking at GF AUs on Wattpad and there sure are a lot. Reverse Falls, Gravity Rises, Zero Gravity. So I decided to make my own. My AU is called Twisted Falls. It was originally called Lost Falls, but I think that was already taken, so now it's Twisted Falls.

So, what you need to know about this AU to read it is that in this universe, Dipper and Mabel are cousins instead of twins, and they're seventeen. Also, Stan and Ford are a bit younger and on the level of uncle instead of great uncle.

Oh, and btw, Ford is Dipper's father.

Okay, I know none of this makes sense, but just bare with me. It's an interesting story, trust me. I have it written out better on Wattpad if you want to read it. Same user and just ask me and I'll tell you. Alright, let's just get this started!

5 years ago...

Drumming his fingers, Dipper hummed to himself. He stared out the window of the moving car. A soft smile was on his face as he watched the green trees go by. He was excited to move to Oregon, but especially Gravity Falls, Oregon.

Dipper looked at his father, Stanford, who was driving. Stanford gave him a smile before turning his eyes back on the road. Dipper and his father had been studying oddities as long as he could remember. And now their research had led them to this quaint town surrounded by forest.

Dipper's lit up as he heard the radio volume higher. He looked up to see Stanford turning the knob with a smirk on his face. "Disco girl coming through!" the radio sang. Dipper and Stanford couldn't help but sing along.

"And that disco girl is yoooooou!" they belted out before breaking into laughter.

"So, Dipper, are you excited for a new adventure?" Stanford said, ruffling the boy's hair.

Dipper fixed his hair and and nodded. "Yep! New town, new friends, and new mysteries!"

"Mysteries. Like why all our research leads here," Stanford said.

After a while, Stanford pulled to a stop. He turned the car off and grinned at Dipper. "Well, we're here. Let's check the place out!" Stanford said, stepping out of the car.

Dipper climbed out his side and took in his surroundings. They were surrounded by forest and in the middle of the clearing was a cabin. It had a balcony that lead to the door. A large triangle shaped window loomed from the attic. Dipper and Stanford stepped inside. The entry way was small and opened up to a larger front room. To the right was a staircase that lead to some other rooms and the attic and to the left was a kitchen.

The floor boards creeked as they stepped through the house. Dipper breathed in only to choke on the dust. Stanford laughed and patted his son on the back. "Heh, sure it'll take a bit of fixing her up to get settled in, but it's no big deal," he said.

Dipper nodded, hugging his father. "As long as we have each other."


Mabel's heart raced with excitement as she sat on the bus. She was practically bouncing out of her seat. She hugged her pig, Waddles tightly. "Can't wait. Can't wait! CAN'T WAIT!" she squealed, squeezing the pig harder.

Over the bus intercom, the driver said, "We're coming up on Gravity Falls."

Mabel pressed her face against the window, watching all the trees go by. She almost made herself dizzy following each one. Soon, trees were replaced with buildings, and they were heading deeper into the small town.

When she saw she was getting closer to the bus stop, she scooped up her bags in one arm, and under the other she held her pig.

"Now reaching Gravity Falls," the driver spoke. Before the bus even had come to a complete stop, Mabel was already walking down the isle. There was a hiss as the doors came open and Mabel stepped onto the sidewalk.

She thanked the bus driver before the bus pulled away. Setting Waddles on the ground, she put her hand on her hip. "Get ready for the best summer ever Waddles," she said.

Mabel dug around in her pocket a moment before pulling out a scrap of paper. Scribbled on it was an address. "It's been so long since I've seen cousin Dipper and uncle Stanford. They'll be so happy to see me!" she said.
She stared down at the address then looked around at her surroundings. When she found her direction, she pointed and shouted, "Onward piggy!" Waddles squealed in response and the two began walking.

Mabel and Waddles finally arrived at the cabin in the woods. She stepped up to the door, a grin plastered on her face, and knocked.
After a minute or so of no one answering, she tried again. Still nothing. She tilted her head confused and decided to ring the doorbell. Actually, she rang the doorbell ten times.
Finally, the door opened. She saw standing there a large man with gray hair and glasses. He had a shaven face and big ears. The man was wearing a white tank top and had no pants on.

"Mabel! You're here!" he said smiling.
Mabel waved and grinned. "Hi uncle Stanford! How have you been!" she said, stepping inside.
Stanford closed the door behind her and rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you want me to answer honestly or... eh, I've been better," he said.

Mabel was stunned when she stepped into the living room. It was littered with soda cans and old pizza boxes. Old stains covered the carpet. The tv was running with some adult show that she probably wasn't allowed to watch. All in all, the place was just a mess.

She made a weird face at it before brushing it off. "So, where's Dipper?" she said, turning around to face Stanford.

He shrugged. "Eh, probably in his room, like usual," he said. Mabel nodded and set her stuff down by the door. "Get settled in, and then later we'll have dinner," he added. He ruffled her hair and she laughed.

"Alrighty, uncle Stan," she said. She ran up the stairs, Waddles following her. She soon found herself at the boy's bedroom door.

She knocked on it a few times, wondering if it would take as long for him to answer as it did Stan. Thankfully, Dipper opened the door only after the first couple knocks. "Dipper!" she greeted, arms open wide.

He scanned over her with his eyes. "Oh, you're here," he said.

"Dipper, it's been too long! What's the haps?" she said.

Dipper just shrugged. "Stuff, you know." She tried to give him a hug but he put his hands up stopping her. "No thanks, I don't really do hugs," he said.

She took a step back and looked at him. "Woah! Is that a scar!" she said, pointing to his face. Along his cheek was a thick scratch mark. Dipper seemed phased for a moment but brushed it off. "How'd you get it?" Mabel asked.

"I don't know. Didn't know I had it until you pointed it out," he said, leaning against the door frame.

Mabel picked up Waddles and shoved him in the boy's face, startling him. "Meet my pig! His name is Waddles! I named him that because he Waddles!" she shouted.

Dipper almost fell over but regained his cool. "Neat," he said.

Mabel pulled Waddles away from him and smiled. "So, now that I'm here, do you want to come hang out with me?" she ventured.

"Not really," Dipper mumbled.

Mabel's smile was immediately over taken by a frown. "What? Why? It'll be just the four of us, you, me, Waddles, and-"

"A liar," Dipper said out of nowhere.

Mabel was taken back. "What?"

"Watch your back around him Mabel," he said, suddenly getting dark.

"But he's your father," she said confused.

"Was my father." He narrowed his eyes before stepping back into his room. "Goodbye Mabel," he said before slamming the door in her face.

Mabel stared a moment gaping. She looked at Waddles. "Well that was... abrupt."

Thanks for reading! Feedback is great! And in advance thanks for the support! Should I continue?

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