Lucifer x Reader -Dealing with it again?!

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Hello my sweet potatoes sorry for not updating I was kinda busy with school work hehe...this will show how the DB will deal with Karen's enjoy now!

*You 2 was gonna go to the human world because you requested so and Lucifer made a day off for you to be happy.
*when you arrived at your house for a bit you 2 left and had gone to the mall to buy some ice cream because you requested so and Lucifer brought you a cute little teddy bear near a shop.
*you 2 lover birds were sitting at a table eating ice cream at DQ peacefully then a little girl came up and asked "excuse me miss?" "What is it little girl?"you asked"my name is Kyla!and I was wondering who gave you that cute teddy bear!"Kyla asked cutely pointing at the one ur holding"oh this?my husband here gave it to me"you said Kyla nodded and said"I'm gonna ask my mommy to buy me one!"then she ran off to a lady who her presume to be her mother you just smiled and continued what u were doing with your beloved handsome husband peacefully talking
*a few minutes has passed and a woman came over and said"Excuse me aren't you a little to old to have a teddy bear?"she said"ummm no I'm not..."(Y/n) said but the lady didn't listen"do you have a child?"she asked"ummm not yet at least"(Y/n) answered Lucifer was just looking and wrapping arms around (Y/n)'s waist protectively"well give it here so I can give it to my daughter who would make use of it"she said not asking like demanding it Lucifer was getting angry but you rubbed his hands to stop himself but you were shocked but thought 'Another Fucking Karen?!' You sighed and standed up with lucifer"I'm sorry miss but I can't my husband gave me this and I can't just give it to you"(Y/n) politely said then motioned Lucifer that they're gonna leave then headed to the exit but was stopped by an arm harshly pulling her the Karen was angry and Lucifer was about to turn into his demon form "YOU BRAT!GIVE ME THAT TEDDY BEAR OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!!!!!!!"she yelled still grabbing a firm grip and you were wincing in pain now and tears was slipping down your cheeks fast Lucifer saw this and was mad like super Lucifer mad and he roughly pushed the Karen away from you and kept you by his side protectively and yelled"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY WIFE!AND DON'T GO NEAR HER EVER AGAIN YOU MOTHER FUCKING KAREN!!!!!"he continued shouting not caring the people looking at him if somebody hurted his lover he will torture them the manager came and asked what was wrong "Oh manger thank goodness you're here t-t-t-they took my daughters Teddy bear and i was asking 'politely' to give it back but then this crazy man pushed me and yelled at me!"the Karen said fake crying Lucifer was hugging you tightly but not too tight for you to hurt then the manager asked your side of the story Lucifer told then the manager said "let's go check the cameras for which one of u said the truth follow me please" we obeyed and the Karen was shaking the little girl Kyla sitting on a chair with air pods on
*we were in the security room and the manager checked the cameras after a few minutes"Ma'am I have to ask you to apologize to this couple right now"he said"No!she have to give 'my daughter's' teddy bear first!"she demanded the manager sighed and thought 'this is the 5th time this week!' "Ma'am your permanently banned from this mall please don't come back ever again Karen" the manager said but the Karen screamed that she was gonna get him fired but the manager excused us nicely and we got a lover special cookies and cream ice cream for free and we thanked him and left the mall
(Back at devildom)
"What a strange encounter"Lucifer said carrying you to your shared room fast asleep on his chest

So did you like it? I was kinda inspired by a book i'm gonna do the other brothers part for Karen's-
Me:BOI YOU INTRUPTED ME!*takes out a gun*Bye bye Karen *shoots Karen 20 times*
Kyla:*looks at the now dead mother*goodbye!
Me:aww your cute imma adopt u!
Kyla:Yay!!!New mommy!
Me:now as I was saying*carrying little 6 year old Kyla*imma do other parts later ba bye sweet potatoes!say bye bye to the readers Kyla
Kyla:Bye Bye!*waves cutely*

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