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He is doing a kidnapping prank on you you also dating

Your POV

I was in me and Colby's shared room chilling with Tara. We were the only ones here so we was just on our phones and talking.

We heard a bang from downstairs so we looked at each other with a worried look because we are the only ones here because everybody else went out. Corey and devyn( don't know how to spell her name) are out on a date. Sam is spending the night with Kat at her place. Colby and Jake are out filming. Lastly Aron is at his home with his parents for the week.

Me and Tara got off the bed and headed downstairs. We didn't see anything so we thought it was buddy and Navi(still don't know how to spell) outside cuz we let them out. We went to the kitchen and I got a Dr.Pepper out the fridge. I sat on the island and so did Tara. We talked about filming something for her channel tomorrow when we saw to figures outside the window. Once they saw that we saw them they ran to the back door. Me and Tara booked it to big Nik's hiding spot because we were both small and could fit.( you gotta know his hiding spot bro) I closed the door before I heard the back door open. We scooted as far back as we could and covered our mouths. We heard them start coming up the stairs so we stayed still. We heard them go to different rooms before going back down.

We could hear them downstairs then they came back up a few steps. I silently went over to the door that way I could hear them talking. I heard one of them say"what about that small door" after I heard that me and Tara scooted to around the tiny corner where it was dark and they would have to crawl back here to find us. Then we heard the door open and light come through. We covered our mouths again.

We heard one of the people crawl in then there he was. A dark figure. It happened so fast he grabbed me then passed me to the other person. That person threw me over their shoulders and started running. I started crying and screaming and kicking my legs. He opened the front door and then their was everyone. And Colby had a camera in his hand. I stopped crying and then I heard Tara screaming. Then that person came out the door with her and he sat her down.

Tara: Yea WTF
Colby: sorry babe
Yn: sorry my butt
Then the guy who had me took off their mask and it was mike. Then the other one took theirs off and it was Jake. I went back in the house and Tara followed me and then shut the door. We went to mine and Colby's room and slammed the door. We went onto the bed and turned the tv on and watched a movie. The movie was about to start when Colby and Jake came in the room. Colby took me to the bathroom. While Jake carried Tara out and she was screaming at him💀.

Colby: I'm sorry
Yn: don't every do that again
Colby: ok
Yn: thanks love you
Colby: I love you too

Then he kissed my forehead and we went back over to the bed and watched a movie.

That's all for rn byeee

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