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This is a Q+A video and your dating Colby and you are Corey's younger sister.

"PLEASE BABE!" my boyfriend Colby yells trying to make me be in a video with him. "FINE!" I yell because he was starting to get annoying. "Thank you now come on." he says while dragging me down stairs. We go into the filming room and sit on the couch. "EVERYBODY COME HERE!" he yells which makes everybody come and sit on the couch. He starts the camera.

P.S when its like this it means they are talking to the camera.

"WHATS UP ITS COLBY BROCK HERE and today we will be doing a Q+A and a never have a ever made together." Colby says to the camera. "Today I am here with my roommates and my girlfriend Y/n." "Now lets get on with the video."

"Never have I ever got in a fight." Colby says and everybody puts up Never while I put up I have. "When did you get in a fight?" Sam asks with a confused look at me. "In middle school this girl was my friend and then she said something about Corey and so I beat her up." I say making the boys laugh. "Well at least we know that I am protected." Corey says laughing making me laugh. "Never have I ever lied to my parents." Colby says making Elton, himself, and Aaron put up never while me, Corey, and Sam but up I have. "So what did you guys do?" Elton asks us three. "I told my mom that I didn't know where Corey was but he was at a party and told me to cover him then before he got back I told him to bring in some coffee and he said that he was out getting coffee because when she found out it was 8 a.m and she never found out except for now. Sorry mom." I said making everyone laugh. "I lied to my parents about getting coffee instead I went to a party." Corey said laughing and we all laugh harder cause I just told the story. "Well I lied to them because I was hungry so I went to the gas station and got chips and went back home and they asked me where I was and I said in my brothers room." Sam said. "Why didn't you just tell them?" I asked him. "Cause I wanted to feel like a bad boy." Sam said making us all laugh.

"That's all for today guys thank you for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to like and subscribe and hit that bell button that way you know whenever I post and comment some more things for us to do bye guys." Colby said while turning off the camera. Then we all just do our own thing.

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