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Just read it

Jake had called me over to his house for pizza night with our best friends. I got ready and then got my keys. I walked down the hall and knocked on his door. We live next to each other same as Sam and Colby. He opened the door and he was dressed in a casino outfit.

You: What in the world are you wearing Jake
Jake: Um nothing...put your things in here

He handed me a box. I gave him a weird look and then put my keys in there. He then let me in and I saw that I was the third one here. The first ones were Sam and Colby. I went and sat down next to them.

You: hey guys
S&C: hey Y/n
You: Do you guys know why he made me put my keys in a box
Colby: he made us do that too
You: What is happening

We then all shook our heads. After a while everyone was here. I got me a slice of pizza and then Jake grabbed him camera.

Jake: So today we will be playing a game
Kevin: what type of game
Jake: a Casino game or games

He then bring out the box and everybody's things where in there except for Coreys his was in a box. Jake gave me a coin and I put it into the claw machine. I got my keys then everybody went. Luckily everybody got their stuff back...well not everyone.

Corey: JAKE what am I supposed to do my driver's license is in a stupid box
Corey: If I was to get pulled over tonight I would say..Oh sorry officer her you go and then hand them a box
Jake: it will be fine just drive slow

We all laughed and then everybody left except for me. Me and Jake has a movie night and cuddled then fell asleep.

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