the secret room

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I finally got to hogwarts and Professor Dippet do his usual speech and all the first years got sorted into their houses. But i kept feeling like someone was staring at me i looked down the Slytherin table and it was Tom. He looked like he was studying my features. I got a feeling of butterflies in my stomach then i looked away.

After the feast I went to the library. When i got there I just picked a random book I don't know what it was about I just wanted some time to myself. The library was empty everyone was probably in the great hall still, I left early. But then someone walked up to me. 'What are you reading L/n?' a deep voice said.

It was Tom. 'None of your business Thomas' i grinned when i said Thomas because I know he hates it.

'I want to finish our discussion from earlier'.

'I don't think there's anything to finish about it you probably have already told Dippet'. I got up to return the book.

Tom followed. 'No I haven't actually'. 'I thought you would've by now unless you want something else from, Do you?'. After i said that there was a pile of books i didn't see and I tripped over them just as I was about to fall Tom caught me. I looked into his brown eyes that seemed to shimmer.

Tom's pov

I caught her before she fell. I don't know why I did it. For some reason I didn't want her to fall if it was anyone else I would've just let them. I looked into her e/c they looked straight into mine. I pulled her up and she stood straight. We kept eye contact. I started to lean in and she did the same. Then the door opened and we stopped. 'Thank you' she said her face going red.

'Your welcome'.

Later that day I was in my dorm I got it to myself because know one wants to share with me which i'm fine with. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I don't know why there was just something about her she was...different. Maybe it's because she doesn't fall for me like every other girl does. Maybe she likes the same stuff I do. No I know she does I seen her with a dark magic book once in the restricted section. But I can't let her distract me from my plan. But why did I feel different with her?

Y/n pov

I kept thinking about that moment. We were so close to kissing. Did I want to kiss him? Did he want to kiss me? I can't remember if I leaned in first or he did but whoever did the other went along with it. Tom Riddle I hope I'm not falling for you.

It was now the first actual day of school and my first class was potions with Slughorn. 'I've created a seating chart I want students who I think would work well together and can help each other to sit beside each other'.

'oh great' I thought. I'll probably end up sitting beside some smart kid.

'Y/n you will sit beside Tom' Slughorn said.

Me and Tom looked at each other. We took our seats. Tom was really good at potions I wasn't the best that's probably why Slughorn put us beside each other. Someone from the top of the class and someone from the bottom.

'Now get to know each other for this class, we will start work from tomorrow.'

Tom looked at me he was thinking of what to say. 'Well' I said.


'What do you want to know about me?'

'Nothing to be honest' he said it like he meant it.

'Fine i'll ask you then, why are you always alone?' I know that's a bit personal.

'People are scared of me and I like being alone'.
Wow he's like me.

'Well i'm not scared of you'.

He smirked 'I can tell and you don't fall for me like other girls do, Why?'

'Well I don't know i've never really payed much attention to you sorry'.

He chuckled 'You're the first girl ever most girls fall at my feet I hate it'. He definitely meant it he was still very secretive though he didn't give me much information for the rest of the class.

When class was over I was walking out the door when a hand reached my wrist. I turned around it was Tom again. 'What' I said in a mean way.

'Meet me outside of our common room at 9pm' he said.

'But that's after hours'. He pointed to his prefect badge.

'Fine' I said in a stubborn way. I don't know what he was up to but I guess i'll find out.

9pm I was waiting outside of the common room hoping not to get caught. Tom came out eventually. 'Sorry I had to handle some of the first years they kept asking questions'

'It's fine, where are you bring me though?'

'You'll find out' he said smirking. I followed him he was bringing me to a corridor i've never been to before.

'Are we supposed to be here?' I said nervously.

'Scared L/n?' he asked in a teasing kind of way.

'Well kind of what if you're going to hex me'.

Tom laughed 'I'm not going to hex you don't worry and it's not a restricted corridor just know one goes here'. I was kind of relieved but I still think he's going to hex me. He brought me to a wall.

'Seriously a wall' I said in disappointment.

'No just wait'. He said something I don't remember what. then this room appeared. We walked into it.

'Wow how did you even find this?' I was amazed.

'I don't know i just came across it one day'.

'Wait why'd you bring me here?'

'Well I wanted to ask you something in private that know one would hear'.

'Ok what is it?'

'Do you know what love feels like' he sounded embarrassed like he didn't want to say it.

'no i've never been in love and my parents don't love me' .

'Same'. Tom was an orphan he doesn't talk about his family to anyone. 'One more thing, I know you like dark magic'. Well shit. 'I do too don't worry I won't tell anyone'.

When I was back in my dorm room I kept thinking of the conversation I had with Tom. Why did he tell me these things? Why did he ask me if I know what love feels like?


Soo this is kinda cringe but I hope you enjoyed. This one is longer. Also I can't think of Chapter names soo they're kinda weird. But should I do a happy or sad ending?


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