Mom's letter

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Type: angst/kind of fluff a little? Idk, it's sort of bittersweet I guess
Pov: Ansel

"Ansel, I've got something for you," Nana said.
"Oh? What is it?" Ansel asked.
Nana handed him an envelope. "A letter," she said. "Your mother wrote it for you before she died. She asked me to give it to you when you were older. I wasn't sure when, exactly. 'Older' isn't very specific. But I figured there wasn't any use in keeping it from you anymore."
Ansel took the letter from her, he stared at it in awe. "My mom really wrote this?" he asked.
His mom had died when he was little. He didn't even remember what she was like. He had a few ideas from the stories his family had told about her, but they were always a little different, depending on who told them. It was like they all had different versions of her in their minds, and Ansel would never get to meet his version. But right now, he held in his hands words that she had written just for him. Words the she had wanted to say to him. They would be the first, and last words he ever heard from her.
"Yes, she did," Nana responded, bringing Ansel out of his thoughts. "I'm sorry I didn't give it to you sooner. I had honestly forgotten about it until just now."
"It's okay, I'm just glad you remembered."
"Me too."

It was weeks later when Ansel finally read the letter. He couldn't bring himself to open it before. Whatever she had written, when he was done reading it, that would be it. He would never hear from her again.
But eventually curiosity took hold of him, and one night he found himself sitting on his bed, tearing open the envelope. A small piece of notebook paper fell out. He grabbed it and unfolded it.
'This is it', he thought. He took a deep breath, and started reading.

Dear Ansel, my precious baby boy. I'm so sorry I won't be able to be there for you. My condition is getting worse, and the doctors say I won't make it. It breaks my heart to know that I won't be able to watch you grow up, to see the amazing person I know you'll become. You're still so young now, but I can already tell how smart and kind you are.
I love you so much, whatever you do, whoever you turn out to be, that will never change. I know your father can be strict with tradition, but I'm sure he feels the same, even if it might not always seem like it.
I don't know what happens when we die, but I hope I'll be able to watch over you, and, eventually, get to see you again when it's your time to go. I'd give you the biggest hug, and make up for all the time I didn't get to spend with you in life.
Take care of yourself, my baby. Remember that even though I can't be with you, I'll always love you.

Ansel felt tears running down his cheeks. The letter was so short, but it was all he ever needed to hear from her. He knew now that his father was wrong about her. She wouldn't have cared who he decided to love. She had written it herself, she would love him no matter what.
He clutched the piece of paper against his chest. "I love you too, mom," he whispered, his voice shaky through tears, "wherever you are now."

A/N: This one is kind of old, but I wanted to get something posted and this is all that I had. Also I posted this on That Awkward Magic Amino when I first wrote it and I think it made a few people cry, so sorry if it made you cry too. Also sorry if it was kinda cringy, like I said I wrote it a while ago

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