Chapter 1

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"I still can't believe your dating the ferret Mione!" Rob mumbled around a mouthful of food at the great feast.

Hermione rolled her eyes. It was their seventh and final year at Hogwarts and Hermione had begun dating Draco Malfoy. Harry and Ron were not happy.

"I think it's cute!" Said Ginny next to Harry "It's got this whole Romeo Juliet element to it!"

Over the summer Hermione had introduced Ginny to muggle books and Ginny had instantly loved anything romancey! Romeo and Juliet was her favourite.

"Let's stop talking about my love life and talk about something else! I for one am excited to see what Dumbledores announcement is!"

Just as Hermione spoke Dumbledore tapped his glass to silence the hall. "Hello Hogwarts students!" Dumbledore said begin gin his speech. Hermione tuned out until she heard "To all sixth and seventh year students we are offering a camping trip for a month in a muggle forest where you will have to survive without magic! Their will be a sheet outside the great hall if you wish to sign up with a group of two to six!"

A camping trip? That was the announcement? Hermione had never liked the idea of camping and was positive she wouldn't be signing up!

"What do you guys think?" Ginny asked. "I think it sounds cool!"

"No way!" Screeched Lavender. "A month with out magic for my beauty charms would be awful! And we would have to live outside!"

"I'm going to have to agree with Lavender on this one Gin count me out!" Hermione said.

They all stood and decided to gather with Hermione in the head dorm she shared with Draco. They followed her up the stairs and said the password 'Blueberry Muffins' Draco was already in their laying on the couch with his feet up.

"Hello Granger, Potty Weasel, Weaselette, and Lavender." For some reason Draco always got along better with Lavender than the others. "What was the big discussion you were having at the great hall about?"

"Ways to murder you in your sleep." Ron muttered under his breath causing Harry to snicker and Draco's eyes to flash as he pointe his wand at them.

"Listen here you lit-"

"Guys stop it that's enough!" Hermione said. "We were just talking about the camping trip."

"We're not going right Granger?" Malfoy said.

"Who said you were invited?" asked Harry.

"As if I would leave Hermione on the woods with you two idiots! She'd be dead before the end of the day!" Draco snapped back.

"Oh please like you could last in the forest. You can't even last without house elves to do everything for you!" Ron said.

"I can do perfectly fine without house elves! I just don't need to because I have the month to afford it unlike you!"

"Guys" Hermione started to cut in but was cut off by Harry saying.

"I bet you wouldn't even last an hour without the use of magic Malfoy! I'm still convinced you have Hermione under some dark spell! I don't know why else someone would like you!"

"Unlike you Potter I don't need to be famous to get girls to like me. I have the looks to do it for me!"

"I wonder how good those looks would be during a month in the forest with no beauty spells or gel for your hair. I bet you couldn't do it!" Ron said angirly.

"I bet we could lay twice as long as you Malfoy!" Harry said

"Your own Potty Weasleby! Last one standing wins!"

With that the three men marched out the door to sign up themselves and true girlfriends to go camping in the woods well the three girls stood their staring at the door.

"We're doomed!" Ginny groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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