Chapter 2

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"I felt it again." Kasni said to her brother who looked around narrowing his gaze. Kasni moved forward with a gentle sway to her hips. Her mannerism that of one who saw no ills in the world. There was nothing that they had to look out for. That made it hard to watch out for her like Kadar promised his mother he would.

"Kasni, stop." He said reaching out and taking a hold of her arm. She narrowed her eyes at him. Leopards were notorious for their mood swings, but Kasni had always been very laid back. It was why he could grab her and not worry about a face full of claws.

Kadar looked around but he didn't see anything. This was not the first time that his sister had felt something that he couldn't. What was worse, she seemed drawn toward where ever this intruder who watched them from time to time was. It seemed most focused on his sister than anyone else and that made him uncomfortable. After all she was mating age now and any male shifter would have to be dense to not look at her. Maybe he was bias but whatever. He loved his sister and he'd see to her safety.

"Kadar, maybe it's nothing. This stranger hasn't done anything to us, hasn't even approached us. He seems to leave the moment that we sense him." Lee said her darker amber eyes meeting her mate's. She looked at her sister kin and smiled at her. 

"You know that a suitor is going to come calling. With our kind I'm surprised that one hasn't yet tried and Kasni has had several heats now.

Kasni wasn't really paying attention, she was looking around like she might find where this unknown intruder was. It was exciting to her, and she knew that her brother would just look out for her best interest. He trusted no male shifter, after all their mother was dead because of their father. From what she'd seen Kadar was one of a kind in their world.

Yeah so he can use her and then leave her. Our kind isn't very nurturing and she is far to innocent to understand. Kadar grumbled mentally to only Lee. 

It's going to happen and we will be there for her, she knows that. We can't help what we are and there aren't that many like you. That's why I consider myself lucky. Lee spoke into his mind leaving his sister out of the conversation. She moved closer to him, and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Kasni." He said exasperated when she moved away with an almost skip to her step. She was more leopard than human most the time. Her curiosity got the best of her and she did things that sometimes made people give her odd looks. Like the way that she was moving and scenting the air a bit, a slight smile on her face. Her head was up and it clearly looked like she was sniffing. Could she not act human for a bit while they were in town?

"You know this one smells really good. Not like the last one that was hanging around." She said coming around a stand to a deserted area. "Like rain, I like it."

"You don't need to like any man. They're traitorous snakes. Like women, it's better for you." Kadar said to her and she laughed. Lee did too, Kasni just shook her head at her brother.

"You should have been born a woman Kadar." Kasni said to him, but she felt an odd yearning the moment that she scented this male. The first time she had scented him it had been during her heat. Oh boy did she suddenly feel worked up. The scent had excited her like none other and she'd had the urge to rub on things and roll around.

She put her hands on her hips staring down the alleyway with a rather severe look for a second. You know this male was rather annoying. She wished that he'd be a normal leopard and just come over and show himself. She thought that they were all pompous and thought highly of themselves. So why didn't he come up to her acting like god's gift?

"Maybe he's just shy." Lee supplied.

"Yeah right, and I'm the king of England." Kadar commented with a rough blow of air out his nose. They lived in the mountain area, had made a home in a cave like area that pretty much looked like a human house. But it was in a cave, both Lee and Kadar weren't built for the cold like Kasni was. They still had thicker fur being from the area and a higher body temperature. So the cave worked out great for them all.

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