Ch.6 Help from above

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All I wanted in this game so far was to get the imposter out, but now I'm not so sure anymore of what I want in this game. I'm trying to think of who's imposter and see if they're faking any task, and all that seems to happen to me is failure. Have I given up already? If I haven't then I feel like I should've a long time ago. I was still in cafeteria looking out the window. What am I doing here? Just staring out the window useless? I thought of doing something else, maybe I should go find Carl or run into Cherry on the way. Anyways if I sit here alone I could die easily. I decided to go find Carl in Admin, So I left cafeteria and headed upwards. While already in the hallway near a security camera, I saw Crow in storage headed towards the right. I wonder what he's up to now. As I entered Admin I saw Carl looking at the map. He was probably looking at where and how many people were in those areas. "Oh, hey I didn't see you coming in" he said "I decided I didn't want to hang out alone in cafeteria so I decided to drop in and see how you were doing" I said to him. "Well are you feeling better now?" He asked. Well what was I suppose to say? Yeah I saw Crow going to the right of electrical, or No I have trust issues now that I play this game. "Yup everything's fine now!" I said with an awkward look on my face. Hold up.... "Well I'm gonna leave now, no more task right?" He asked "Yeah finished" at the the right of storage is Electrical! I left Carl and headed towards electrical, on the way I saw Galaxy throwing out trash. He's innocent, but no one might believe me since I'm against him. I ignored the thought of Galaxy, so I put my focus back towards Crow. I just came in when he rushed away from that area "what the?" I whispered. I went deeper in electrical, there was nothing until I heard a vent open, then stood a figure a few steps away from me that seemed to be.... Crow, honestly that didn't surprise me cause I suspected him since he killed...You know who. I'm freaking out again, I'm freaking out again. What was I supposed to do? I did the only thing everyone else would do... Run, I ran and ran, I zoomed around the corner I passed by Polar Wich was in storage collecting gas, and Carl who was just about to leave admin. I thought he would've left by now, but when I dashed by him... He looked disappointed, maybe he would still stay in there cause he needed alone time. Well not everyone is on brightside all the time. "Don't worry bud"I thought of telling him "we'll find the imposter" Crow was still behind me, he knew I saw him do everything. He knew I saw him vent. He knew I saw him kill. He knew I saw him fake task. He knew that I knew. But he was so good at making people believe he was innocent, I mean Crow is the imposter. That I still believe, but sadly not everyone does. I stood on the other side of the table in cafeteria. He was still there, but on the opposite side of where I was. "I guess my talk didn't work on you huh?" He said. "Of course not, good thing Carl was there to help me get back to my normal self" I said in a cold voice eyeing him. "Not everything is a game you know" I said my voice sorta shaking, "yeah but this is" he said with a tone that made me feel more disgusted around him. We were moving around the table more now, I was sure not to die right now, or else we'd lose without any of my evidence still not being believe'd by everyone. "I'm going to press that button again you know it" I said still moving. "But you can't no more Cooper!" he shouted. But he was right, I only had one emergency meeting and I had already wasted it telling trying to convince everyone to vote Crow out. But no, no one believes me only two people do and that's the problem! There is still seven of us, but I'm sure he'll kill Flow after cause she just skipped the last round. Surely someone else is smart enough to know Who's gonna get killed next, right? Who am I kidding how are they supposed to stick with her when they don't even know who the imposter is? Well maybe Cherry could, But Carl still seems depressed to even think right now. Then I saw Polar enter cafeteria. Oh gosh she's his Alibi, what am I supposed to do now? "What are y'all doing?" She asked "Polar, Please press the emergency button!" I shouted towards her "Why is that?" She asked. I actually didn't really mind if she was his Alibi, all I could do now is convince her... Or probably wait till Carl or Cherry comes here to do it for me. "Crow is the imposter, if we don't eject him now he'll keep on killing us all!" Don't you want to stop that? She just looked at me wide eyed, strangely so did Crow. I heard footsteps coming from admin and saw Carl midway coming towards here stopping. He was also looking at me wide eyed "what?" I asked "y- your floating?" Polar said "is there ghost around you? Carl asked, I looked around myself. I gasped "what in the" Crow said and then a push of air carried me towards the emergency button. I tapped on it and saw my emergency meetings restored to one, but it kept going and it reached three now! Cherry and Flow had also just come in. Suddenly I fell again and felt no more cold air around me, I just smiled and only had one thing to do.

I pressed the emergency button.

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