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Pulling on her dark cloak, Fleurette walked briskly down the stairs. "Where are you going Fleur?"

"Well Eleanor is busy with Felix tonight, and I forgot some things at home." She replied honestly to Meg, who was looking at her sceptically. It seemed she too was used to people around her coming and going frequently that she couldn't keep up with what the routine of the day was.

"You will not be long will you?"

"No! I shall try not to be...that is unless father is in and we get talking." Fleurette said while straining to smile. Meg seemed to just believe in her words and smiled warmly at her.

"See you soon then! Be careful alright?"

"I will. See you later, Meg." Fleurette walked towards the foyer she patted her bag which hung tightly at her side. Tying the string on her cloak more tightly she reached behind herself and pulled up the hood.

"You are going for a nightly walk on your own? You are very brave."

"Erik!" Fleurette said quietly and turned on her heels to try and find him. She should just remember that she wasn't going to see him, or find him unless he wanted her to. "Ah...yes I am. I forgot some things at home so I'm going to go get them."

"At so late a time in the evening? The city does not have pleasant people out at this time of hour." Erik said simply, a frown gracing his face. He didn't want to think of all those out there that could and would take advantage of a lone woman walking the streets at night.

"Will you accompany me then?" Fleurette asked quietly, she ducked around the corner when she heard footsteps. She watched with a rather blank green eyed gaze as some of the musicians left chatting amongst themselves.

"If I must."

"You do not have to! Don't feel obliged to, Erik. I am capable of getting a carriage on my own and then back again."

"You are so naïve, Fleurette. Young women should not be seen by themselves at this time of day."

"So, you will accompany me?"

"Yes," Erik paused. "But we will not be taking a carriage."


"Do not question me or you shall be going by yourself. You can then see the horrible nature of the city by yourself."

"Sorry, shall we go then?"

"Follow me."

"But I do not know where you are." Fleurette said simply, she was just leaning against the wall seemingly talking to herself.

"I'm right beside you." With that said she tilted her head to the side and looked up at him and very slowly a smile spread on her features. "Good evening, Fleurette." Erik said simply while turning on his heels and briskly walking off. Shaking her head she ran off after him, "Is there a dire need to collect these things from your home at this time of night?" Erik questioned while opening a door and walking down a set of stairs. He stopped and looked at Fleurette who was still standing at the top. She hadn't followed him down and looked at the stairs with an almost upset expression. "What is it?" Erik asked while walking up and stopping in the middle.

She shook her head and reached up to push the hood of her cloak down. Her hands moved to her bag and she quickly pulled a cream coloured envelope from it. She stepped down and stopped a step away from him. Extending her hand she looked down at the stairs below her but lowered her arm when she felt the envelope get taken from her grasp. Erik's eyes quickly scanned over the letter once he'd almost ripped it out of the envelope. He looked up at her, Fleurette's dark green sleeved arm wiped across her eyes. "I do not wish to go, Erik. What do I do?"

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