Human sacrifice

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The castle was surprisingly loosely guarded for a city at war. Perhaps they didn't believe that anyone could ever breach the gates. Or maybe they figured that if anyone got this far it was too late. The guards at the servant's entrance were sub-prime, easily eliminated by the Rangers. The sapiens inside were little more than slaves to those with more magic, more power. If they ever saw the Rangers they quickly averted their eyes, going about their business. The scent of roasting meat wafted up from the kitchens, making Pike's stomach rumble. It was a delicious scent that made him gag.

"They're cooking? During a siege?" he mumbled under his breath.

Shawi's whiskers twitched in disgust, "A victory feast. Arrogant pricks."

"It will just make their defeat that much more sweet for us," Vireo said with a sly grin.

Pike lacked her confidence. Gallen had been collecting primes, stacking their deck. This surprise infiltration might save Avery, but the war was far from won. They needed to get her and get out before the true fighting broke out. Prime against prime, wild magic. He glanced over at Hazel and Skye. They met his stare and shared the same look of concern. A battle between sapiens was no place for a human.

"Vireo, where would they have taken Avery?" Hazel demanded.

"I don't know the castle. Humans were too dirty to be servants in here." Vireo looked up and down the hallway. "Cells are usually below ground, so I would I guess we go--"

"Up," Skye interrupted.

"Not what I was going to say."

Skye pointed across the grand foyer to an enormous painting that covered the wall. It was a larger than life portrait of Safira standing on an outcrop with her arms outstretched in benevolence. The sun's rays reached around her serene figure as though she were the source of all light in the world.

It was vain and gaudy and pretentious.

"What is the highest point in the castle, a place where Safira could look down upon the world?" Skye asked Vireo.

"The tower. You think--"

"That's where the primes could call on elements, gods, whatever they will do to destroy the Sky Soul," Pike added. "A tower is so cliche it's perfect for an alpha prime."

A thunder clap crashed through the hall, echoing off the marble pillars and shaking the walls. The Rangers flinched, throwing their arms up over their heads to shield themselves from rubble.

"Was that from Avery's storm?" Skye asked.

"That was an explosion. The Corinthians are at the gates even though we couldn't rally Smalltown," Hazel said.

Vireo's eyes went wide. "Will it be enough?"

Hazel's eyes danced over to Shawi and Lanthus. They both scowled at the door leading out of the castle, itching to race to the walls and help their army. Pike grabbed Lanthus' arm and directed his attention back to the group. "You have a mission. You swore to Niamh you would help us--"

"We don't even know where to go!" Lanthus barked.

"Maybe you could put those wings to some use and fly up to the tallest part of the castle," Vireo snapped.

"And become a target? Great plan, human--"

"Shut up, all of you!" Shawi hissed. She cocked her feline head to the side listening to the sounds of the castle only she could hear. "Heavy footsteps moving this way. Not servants, soldiers. They aren't trying to be discreet."

"Move!" Hazel barked.

The Rangers dashed across the hall and ducked into the next room. Another blast shook the building helping to cover their footsteps as they raced between rooms moving around the castle in search of the entrance to the tower. Pike applied any techniques for tracking that might work indoors. He scanned carpets for signs of wear that would indicate heavy use; watched for dirt or blood or fallen pieces of uniform that would tell him the trail. Which doors were open, what did they have inside? Did bedrooms surround a castle tower? No, meeting rooms, council chambers. Then the alpha would retreat to her supreme office, ruling above them all.

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