Feeling rather lethargic, lazily I took a lengthy drag from my lit cigarette as I nonchalantly loitered on my sofa. My preferred companion Loki draped across my lap. His populous paws hung limply over the edge of the plush sofa as his obsidian and amber coated torso glistening radiantly in the vermillion sunrise. His royal cobalt eyes bore intently into my smooth gentle yet sharp mahogany eyes.
Suddenly his ears pricked up, his back tense, fur on end, as there was a deafening knock at the door. Sudden apprehension diffused through the apartment faster than wild fire. Leisurely picking myself off the sofa -first removing Loki from his new found seat- I made my way over to the door. Inaudibly removing my titanium switchblade from its former residence in my jean pocket, and gingerly opened the front door.
Then my world was submerged in a putrid darkness...