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Got tagged. Let's answer the questions.

1. Do you have a crush?

Nonexistent: Yes
In real life: No

2. What's your middle name?

Don't have one.

3. What's your height?

I'm 5'4 which would be about 162 cm. I haven't grown in the last few years so rip me

4. Eye color?

Dark brown.

5. Last time you cried?

About two days ago. Sophomore year has not been kind to me.

6. Biggest fear?

I have many but I think my biggest one is to love.

7. Last song you listened to?

Cult To Follow - Start A Fire

8. Last person you texted?

One of my irl friends.

9. Favorite app?

I think that at this point it's Wattpad. I have met many wonderful people and I love writing so I dont think there could be a better app for me other than this one.

10. Tag 20 people
Le no

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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