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" M-My Emperor!" Y/n quietly moan.

Frieza covered Y/n's mouth.

" Quiet, My Empress, or our daughter will hear."

Frieza removed his hand and, Y/n mumbled an apology. Frieza continued moving his tail back and forth, using his hands too.

Y/n's tail was thumping against the bed.

" Turn."

Y/n flipped onto his stomach and Frieza continued.

Y/n's tail swayed a bit in the air.

" M-my Emperor~ I feel much better." Y/n moaned gently.

" Alright."

Frieza stopped massaging Y/n's body, and laid next to him. Y/n snuggled into Frieza body, feeling relaxed and relieved. Frieza wrapped his tail around Y/n's waist, pulling him closer.

" I love you, My Emperor."

" I love you too, My Empress."

Frieza x Male! Saiyan! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now