An Actual Nightmare

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*wipes tears*

I open my eyes, my heart starts to beat again, but the tears continued to fall, and my body still shaking uncontrollably.

"In-Inosuke...INOSUKE!!!!!!!!!! your alive!"

without any hesitation I grab Inosuke by the hand and hug him with all the strength I had left. He was hurt bad, but he was alive. his body was still warm, and his hair was still soft. I've never felt his hair before, It's so soft. 

"Hey, Chanjiro... I'm so-sorry, I tried to hold hi-him off but he w-was to str-strong. I'm s-sorry I'm so we...weak."

"please stop talking, your too hurt already, just stay still."

I hug him harder,  trying not to squeeze the life out of him.

"I thought you were dead, and I thought I lost you, if that were to happen I would never forgive myself."

Just seeing his face, and feeling his heart beat was enough to keep me from collapsing from the lack of energy. I just wanna to hug him forever, hear his heart beat forever, I want to be with him forever. I'm gonna tell him. The thought of telling him I like him in THAT way made me jump. It's definitely at a bad time, but if I don't tell him now, I may never tell him. 

What if he doesn't like me, what if he thinks I'm disgusting, what if...NO. Tell him now.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst, the tears had slowed down but still there. I'm nervous.

"Inosuke... I wanted to tell you that I think I lo--"

That's all it took, that hesitation and extra breath, that was it. My eyes shot open pupils shrinking. He wasn't in my arms any more, but rather in the monster arm of Muzan!!


I screamed just screamed.

"Oh I'm sorry you guys were being to loud and annoying, so I'm taking care of it. So please be quiet."

My vision swayed in and out of sight, Inosuke was in perfect few though. The puddle of blood surrounding him expanded, getting bigger by the second. The smell of blood was so strong I was barely able to smell anything else. How did I not notice, while I was holding Inosuke, Muzan grabbed one of my legs. He then grabbed Inosuke with the other arm. Slowly squeezing him, draining the blood out of him like a lemon.

Why didn't I notice it sooner. Now I can't move, all I can do is watch as Inosuke dies slowly.

"Your super annoying little kid, you know that."

*drip drip*

he started squeezing Inosuke harder tightening his grip. The cracking of Inosuke's bones filled the room echoing, same as his screams. It was terrifying. traumatizing just to listen to.


Thats all I was able to do, I'm so pathetic. Why can't I ever save people I care about? Why do people always get hurt around me? I deserve to be dead.

"Pl-please stop he's already de-dead"

"Ya maybe, but I just wanna make sure you quiet down, Your yelling really irritates me."

=5 minutes later=

Every second I felt a Knife cut into my heart. Every second Inosuke's body became more limp and less of a body even.

Minutes had passed I could barely make out Inosuke's body, there's so much blood everywhere it was the only thing I could smell. Inosuke's body was in multiple pieces, body parts facing the wrong way if even connected to his body, his body had compressed twice it's size from being squeezed so much. Every scream kept replaying in my head. How many times did he yell for me to help him. To many. In return I just sat here watching. replaying him dying over and over as if it is on replay. 

Muzan's arms had returned to normal, releasing me from his grasp. My ankle was broken from trying to escape. I could run to Inosuke now. So why, why can't I move.

"Finally, You finally shut up. It's about time. I thought I was gonna have to slit your throat just so you'd be quiet. Well I'm exhausted, I'll be back soon to kill you. Have a good day."

With that he turned and walked away as if nothing had happened. 

Finally my legs would move again, so I ran tripping over my own feet, and trembling. I run to Inosuke's side. 

His soft black and blue hair now stained red with thick blood, his eyes... his beautiful emerald green eyes glazed over and rolled to the back of his head, his muscular body now in pieces. The worst part... he was cold, his once warm surprisingly gentle body now jelly like, full of cold red blood.

"Inosuke, your faking it right. hehe this isn't a funny joke anymore, you can wake up now. Please wake up."

There was no point in thinking he's alive, he's not. 

"Hey Inosuke, I'm so so sorry. You did nothing to deserve this. You say your weak, but your the strongest person i've ever known. I'm the weak one here. How can I call myself a good person if I just let people I love a lot die infront of me while I do nothing... Remember when we first met and I head butted you hehe, I don't think I ever apologized for that. I was so shocked and at a loss for words the first time I saw you. We've been through so much together, we've had good moments and bad moments. Now look at where we are now. Me holding your dead body. I'm so weak. I never even got to tell you that you are my world, you mean everything to me. You bring the best out of everyone including me. you make me laugh and angry. I probably don't mean anything to you, but every moment I spent with you was priceless. All I wanted to tell you was that, I-I love you Inosuke Hashibira."

Why can't he still be okay, what am I supposed to do now. What am I gonna tell everyone... *sigh* Well I guess I should probably head back.

*wipes tears*

"heh I finally told you how I feel about you, but you'll never hear it, just like I'll never hear your voice nor your response ever again. that... that hurts... a lot."






This chapter made me very sad. Don't worry there will be a happy ending. I hope you enjoyed this chapter next chapter will be out within the next day or two, whenever I can get it done. 

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