Catching Up

901 28 4

Lucy's POV *morning*

I woke up feeling warmer that I usually did, I turned over and saw Natsu sleeping soundly. I smiled and kissed his cheek, I started leaning back but he grabbed me and kissed me, hard. I kissed him back and pushed away, I sat up next to him. I hadn't changed into pajamas so I was wearing yesterday's clothes, I tried to get up but Natsu stopped me "Come on Natsu, we're going on a job today remember?" He shot up "Oh yeah!" He jumped off the bed and stretched, I smiled at his back "Huh? What is it Lucy?" "Nothing, but can you leave?" I looked away and twisted my fingers shyly "Leave? What for?" "I...uh...have to get dressed."

His eyes widened "Oh, but can't you just wear those?" I shook my head "We're going to Mount Hakobe, so I planned a warmer outfit." "Oh, I'll be, in the kitchen then..." he was blushing and he scratched his head. He walked out and I quickly changed into a brown long sleeved turtle neck and a light brown plaid skirt. I wore dark brown boots that almost came up to me knees.

I went into the kitchen to see Natsu looking through the cabinets "If you wanted food you could've just asked," I surprised him and the cabinet shut closed with a bang. He stared at me and I tilted my head to one side "What are you staring at Natsu?" "Huh?" He blinked and looking away he blushed realizing what he was doing.

I smiled at him and walked over to him, he looked me up and down "You call that warmer?" "Warmer than what I usually wear," he shrugged "Let's go, I'm hungry," he walked past me to the door "When are you not?" I mumbled under my breath "I heard that!" "You were supposed to!" He looked at me from around the corner, smiling "Come on, let's hurry." I nodded "Right."

We walked out and I got on the edge like I always do, this time with Natsu close in case I fell again. We walked in silence not getting closer to each other. I glanced at Natsu and saw that his face was very serious. I heard a cry of joy and saw Happy tumble into Natsu making him stumble "Natsu!" "Happy?" "You never came home!" "Oh, sorry," "Where were you?" "Oh, uh..." Happy finally noticed me and glared at me "What did you do to Natsu?!" I was taken aback and took a step back and almost fell in the canal.

Happy got closer to me, up in my face while Natsu tried to stop him "Stop it Happy, it's not her fault." "Yes it is! She's taking you away from me!" He flew really close and I stumbled back again and fell into the canal. Natsu tried to reach for me but he wasn't fast enough. I braced myself for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Crystal holding her hand in front of her, like she was giving a high five. I looked beneath me and saw the water but I also saw swirling air and knew it was Crystal's air magic. I was moved closer to the edge and Natsu helped me up.

I looked at Crystal and smiled "Thank you, Crystal." She smiled back "Are you okay? What happened?" Natsu opened his mouth but I covered it with my hand "Yes, I'm fine, I just stumbled and would've fallen in if it wasn't for you," she shrugged "Anything I can do to help an old friend." "Why are you here Crystal?" Natsu asked and Crystal looked at him "I was coming to see Lucy but when I saw that she had left I started heading for the Guild Hall." "Why did you need me?"

She looked back at me "I wanted to go on a job and I wanted to know if you'd help," "We're actually heading to the guild hall to go on a job now," "Really? Can I come?" I glanced at Natsu and he shrugged "We can ask Gray and Erza," she hugged me and stepped back "Thank you, let's go."

-=Skip Forward to Guild Hall=-

We all walked in and Gray and Erza smiled at us. We went over to them "Hey Gray, Erza, do you guys think Crystal can join us?" They both nodded and stood up "We were starting to wonder when you would all show up," Erza smiled at us "Let's go," Gray said. We started to leave when I heard Mira call out "Good luck guys! Especially you Crystal!" Crystal and I both stopped and we waved back at the same time, we both noticed and we both smiled "Looks like we still think similarly," "Looks that way, let's go, before we get too far behind." We hurried and caught up with everyone. Natsu looked back at me and smiled, I smiled back.

Crystal's head tilted to one side "I wonder..." "Huh? What did you say Crystal?" She looked at me "I wonder if Natsu took my advice and told you," "Told me what?" "His feelings, and if you told him yours," "Oh," I blushed then smiled through it "Yeah, he told me," "Are you two a thing now?" "Yeah, but only you know it is official," she smiled at me "Why are you keeping it a secret though?" I shrugged "I figured we'd say when we got back from this mission, though, I haven't asked Natsu yet." She nodded "I'm glad you two are together," her smile got bigger "Was I right? Is he perfect for you?"

Her face made me giggle, she looked like how I remembered her, a silly little girl asking about her best friend's crush, but she still can be very serious but around me she mostly wasn't "I think you were right," I smiled at her, matching her silly grin. We giggled together "I really missed you Lucy, because of moments like this," "These moments are priceless to me, I really missed you too, though I tried not to think about my past."

She raised an eyebrow "Do they know who you are?" "Yes, but you know I really didn't like my father when I was younger, so I tried not to think about it." She nodded becoming serious again "I really wish I had remembered you more but these guys can be a real distraction," I looked at Erza, Gray, Happy and Natsu in front of us. Crystal followed my gaze "Lucy?" "Yeah?" "Are you happy?" I looked at her in surprise "Yes, I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't run into Natsu that day." She gave me a confused look "Oh, I never told you how I got here did I?" She shook her head.

"Well, I was in Magnolia one day, trying to join a guild, thinking about which one to join, I met a guy that called himself Mr. Salamander though, that isn't his real name. He was using a charm to lure girls to him. I fell to it instantly when Natsu came barging in and distracted me, letting me escape from the spell." Crystal put her hand over her mouth and her eyes widened "Wow, talk about a fateful encounter," she whispered "What's wrong?" "Never mind, continue," I frowned at her and continued.

"Well, since Natsu kind of saved me I decided to treat him to lunch with Happy," "I blushed remembering it "Then when I started to leave, the decided, thank me, in a very odd way," Crystal giggled "Lucy, your face is priceless," "Anyway," I glared at her "Mr. Salamander invited me to join him on his boat and I agreed because he said he was from Fairy Tail and he said he could get me in." I paused, trying to recall it all "I found out when I got on the boat he was trying to drug me, he was actually a slave trader and all the girls on the boat he planned to sell." I shivered at the thought.

Crystal put her hand on my shoulder, she looked worried "I'm fine, anyway, Natsu saved me and I got Aquarius to knock the boat to the shore, exposing Mr. Salamander and somehow, Natsu got me into the guild." "Wow Lucy, seems like a lot has happened to you since you left," I nodded "Yeah," I smiled and looked at Natsu "It's all thanks to Natsu I'm here with you, here at all probably."

Natsu looked back at me and smiled "Do you know how Natsu knocked you out of the charm spell?" "Huh? Oh, I thought it was because he surprised me." Crystal was looking at the floor and she smiled "A fated encounter indeed, it's hard to break out of those spells, I think it was more than surprise," "What do you think it is then?" "Love," she looked up at me, smiling her brightest "At first sight." I stopped with shock "That's, not possible." Everyone looked back at us when I stopped "Are you okay Lucy?" Crystal was looking at me, her smile gone, replaced with worry.

I shook my head "I'm fine," Crystal put a hand on my shoulder and we kept walking "Sorry to surprise you, Lucy. I read about those spells once though and they can only be broken by your heart wanting someone else, that connection that your heart makes breaks the spell because it's more powerful." "Oh, but, I didn't even know I liked him until recently." She shook her head "The heart is an odd thing, but stay by his side Lucy, you're both stronger when you're together."

I nodded my head "I'll be sure to," I was looking at the ground, my eyes closed "Love at first sight..." "Sounds impossible right? Well, that's how perfect you two are, it's like a fairy tale!" I looked up at her beaming face and I couldn't help but smile. I hugged her around the shoulders "How did I live without you, Crystal?" "I don't know, I don't know how I survived." We walked close together for the rest of the trip.

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