Not what it seems, it would seem.

10 2 2

   Shaggy dropped down next to the cave entrance where a temporary action stall had been set up.  He was a little bit early, but that was okay.

   He looked around at the other dragons and dwarfs and a few elfs here and there. The dragons and dwarfs would be the higher bidders though, seeing as dragons liked caves (him being one himself) and dwarfs were just interested in mining them for the minerals. This cave was not out of the ordinary.

   He has once seen one which was covered in crystals. Red and blue and green and purple, all so bright and sparkly. It sold for 3.6 million Arecs, a hefty price tag. This one won't be so expensive though.

   The auction was due to start in a few minutes. He went to go look at the cave. It was a nice cave with a couch, table and bed. Nothing special.

A while later

   Shaggy lifted his board one more time.

   ‘One thousand Arecs’

   He saw a red dragon lift their board.

   ‘One thousand five hundred Arecs, going...’

   Shaggy lifted his board again.

   ‘I got two thousand Arecs, going, going...’

   It was extremely tense. Shaggy only had two thousand Arecs, and if the red dragon were to raise his board, he would have to look for another place, because the next price would be two thousand five  hundred Arecs.

   ‘...Sold to number sixteen.’

   Shaggy breathed a sigh of relief, and saw the red dragon from earlier grin at him. The crowd started to stir, standing up and leaving, seventeen dragons having to look for another place.

   The red dragon came up to him. ‘That was pretty cheeky of you mate, I only had one point five thousand.’ The red dragon was grinning quite big now. ‘You stole what was supposed to be my house out under my nose.’ He chuckled.

   ‘Well I only had two thousand Arecs, so I was so scared someone would outpay me, because I really like the place. Shall we go have a finale look at the place? I am going to get a down to detail tour now.’

   ‘Sure, do let's go.’

   As they entered, with the red dragon trailing behind, the agent in front giving the tour, a hole in the floor appeared, and the red dragon (who introduced himself as Kaydos) almost fell down it.

   ‘I'dek!’ he exclaimed as his entire leg disappeared into the hole that just appeared.

   Shaggy turned around. ‘Are you okay?’ he asked.

   ‘I am fine, it is just the hole that appeared out of nowhere and me stepping in it, without seeing it.’ Replied Kaydos.

   ‘Oh yeah, this place has a few suprises, incase you didn't know.’ Said the agent.

   ‘Well that is an unaccounted bargin.’ Commented Shaggy.

   They continued walking around, when another hole appeared, and Kaydos almost stepped in it, again.

   ‘Counfounded holes!’ Exclaimed Kaydos, ‘How many more are there of these things?'

   ‘There is another one under the table.’ Said the agent.

   ‘Biseek! Under the table?! What for!?’

   ‘Disposing of the dead bodies your guests became when they tasted all that delicious cyanide in the food you made.’ Kaydos joked.

   ‘Haha very funny, I'll throw you down it Kaydos.’ Said Shaggy.

   They came to the bed.

   ‘Now, set your alarm to whenever you want to wake up,’ The agent spoke, ‘And this will happen.’

   As he was finishing his sentence the alarm rang, and the part of the bed that was nearest to the wall came flying up, via a spring loaded mechanism.

   ‘And you expect me to sleep in that?’ Asked Shaggy.

   ‘You don't have to set the alarm, you know.’ Commented the agent.

   They made their way to the firepit to the side of the small cave. There was a spit over the brick lined pit, the metal rods neatly hanging from the wall. The agent stepped on a small round piece of plank on the floor, and one of the rods lifted up, and shot out, sharp point first, narrowly missing Shaggy.

   ‘The owner was paranoid of intuders.’ Explained the agent.

   ‘I can see that.’ Said Shaggy and Kaydos at the same time.

   They went to the table, under which a hole opened, and Kaydos looked down into it.

   ‘Well it seems big enough to fit a dragon though.’ Said Kaydos.

   They trotted swiftly to the only safe spot, the couch. The agent pressed a button located under the couch, and the entire couch flipped 180° into the floor.

   ‘So much for being the last safe place.’ Said Shaggy.

   ‘You know,’ Kaydos told him, ‘I am glad I only brought one thousand five hundred Arecs.’

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